Since I don't like overly complex things like income tax forms, these changes sound good to me. But I have a feeling that everyone who thinks there taxes might go up at all, will fight it tooth and claw.
Bush panel proposes broad tax-law changes
WASHINGTON - Chosen to find a simpler way to tax the nation, a presidential panel on Tuesday recommended two designs that would rewrite virtually every tax law for individuals and businesses.
Treasury Secretary John Snow called the propoposals “bold recommendations” but he did not indicate what ideas the administration would embrace.
“Their advice is the starting point, and I look forward to reading their recommendations and considering them carefully before I make a recommendation to the president,” Snow said in a statement.
Under the panel’s plan, most deductions, credits and other tax breaks would be eliminated along with much of the paperwork and equations that baffle taxpayers under a drastically simplified income tax.
Bush panel proposes broad tax-law changes
WASHINGTON - Chosen to find a simpler way to tax the nation, a presidential panel on Tuesday recommended two designs that would rewrite virtually every tax law for individuals and businesses.
Treasury Secretary John Snow called the propoposals “bold recommendations” but he did not indicate what ideas the administration would embrace.
“Their advice is the starting point, and I look forward to reading their recommendations and considering them carefully before I make a recommendation to the president,” Snow said in a statement.
Under the panel’s plan, most deductions, credits and other tax breaks would be eliminated along with much of the paperwork and equations that baffle taxpayers under a drastically simplified income tax.