Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Months ago my daughter was considering speakers for her employer's annual partner's meeting. These partners fund innovation and have a global prospective. Friedman was on the list but scratched because he 'stated the obvious'.
The real question is how do we go forward..
Even if the US significantly decreased its reliance on foreign oil development in other nations would off set it and cash will keep rolling in. In time the Gulf nations money machine will dry up but in the interim we must deal with their emotional difficulties. They are not the only potential problem spot, don't forget possible competition with Russia over Arctic reserves.
There are many reasons why we need to be energy independent. I am wary of Fed intervention in the energy sector. Research is fine, but I think that economic forces will be more efficient than Fed funding. This transition will be very difficult for families living on the economic edge as the cost of energy will consume ever greater % of their budgets.. even indirectly through increasing food costs as corn is diverted to ethanol.
The real question is how do we go forward..
Even if the US significantly decreased its reliance on foreign oil development in other nations would off set it and cash will keep rolling in. In time the Gulf nations money machine will dry up but in the interim we must deal with their emotional difficulties. They are not the only potential problem spot, don't forget possible competition with Russia over Arctic reserves.
There are many reasons why we need to be energy independent. I am wary of Fed intervention in the energy sector. Research is fine, but I think that economic forces will be more efficient than Fed funding. This transition will be very difficult for families living on the economic edge as the cost of energy will consume ever greater % of their budgets.. even indirectly through increasing food costs as corn is diverted to ethanol.