I am planning to move a brokerage account containing Vanguard ETFs to Schwab. The wrinkle is that it is also time to rebalance my holdings.
Assume the VG account holds VTI, VXUS and BND. The goal is to get to somwehere around 40% / 20% / 40% and right now it is very heavy in equities.
Do I:
1) Rebalance within VG and then move the brokerage account/VG equities to Schwab?
2) Sell the desired shares for rebalancing within VG, move the brokerage account, remaining VG equities and cash to Schwab, and then buy equivalent Schwab ETFs?
In the latter case the brokerage account would then hold, for example, both VTI and SCHB for the domestic total stock portion.
The advantage I see in the second approach is that, for future rebalancing I could sell the Schwab ETF and thus reduce fees, maybe. The disadvantage is that the number of ETFs held would increase. I don't think there are any tax implications for one approach over the other.
Assume the VG account holds VTI, VXUS and BND. The goal is to get to somwehere around 40% / 20% / 40% and right now it is very heavy in equities.
Do I:
1) Rebalance within VG and then move the brokerage account/VG equities to Schwab?
2) Sell the desired shares for rebalancing within VG, move the brokerage account, remaining VG equities and cash to Schwab, and then buy equivalent Schwab ETFs?
In the latter case the brokerage account would then hold, for example, both VTI and SCHB for the domestic total stock portion.
The advantage I see in the second approach is that, for future rebalancing I could sell the Schwab ETF and thus reduce fees, maybe. The disadvantage is that the number of ETFs held would increase. I don't think there are any tax implications for one approach over the other.