I never deal unless I have two quotes in my hands. Trying to outmaneuver a seller when you don't know the market is doomed. Be willing to drive 100 or 200 miles to buy if necessary and make sure your local seller knows this. Compare total out the door prices, not MSRP discounts. There are many ways they can screw you with numbers below the discounted MSRP.
^^ THIS ^^
2HotinPHX has some good tips as well.
I haven't negotiated a deal on a vehicle for 6 years, prior to the last time in 2018 I had leased new pickups every 3 years since 1995, plus a couple of leases for DW vehicles, and one for my son so I have done over a dozen deals in the past 30 years.
You can search for Toyota dealers within a range of miles of your location on the internet. You can find similar vehicles to the one you are looking for at these dealers. Most dealer listings will have an MSRP window sticker you can download to your computer. This document will have a VIN# on it. Also pay attention to the internal dealer stock number on their website.
Now pick up your phone and call a couple of these dealers and ask about their stock number # of the vehicle you are interested in. Be sure to impress on the dealer that you are definitely committed to buying this make and model of vehicle in the next couple of days and are calling around to save time in order to get pricing. Tell them you've already got pricing on a similar vehicle and drop the VIN# of the vehicle you've already got a quote on from the original dealer you visited. Drop the dealer name as well. Let them know you're legit. They will try to get you to come in to the dealership but insist, no, you're not interested in coming into the dealership, you know what you want and it's only going to come down to price. You will come to the dealership to sign papers and pick up the vehicle.
Repeat at least one more time with other dealerships. Now you've got those two or three quotes OldShooter was talking about. Now you have some leverage.
Now you can go back to the original dealer and tell them you found another vehicle, VIN# at so-and-so dealership and they are at this price. Ask them to sharpen their pencil and find a bit more leeway in their price. You can repeat this process with the other dealers you called as well.
I've used this method successfully many times and a couple of times I never went into the dealer I ended up leasing the vehicle from until I consummated the deal. I would ask to talk to the new car manager, explain my situation and tell them I will be into the dealership within an hour to sign papers if I can get this deal on this vehicle (VIN#) otherwise I'm going to another dealer who has vehicle with this VIN# and do a deal with them.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.