Red Dye No. 3 Banned

We only buy Amarena or Luxardo cherries. Not the neon fake red supermarket kind.

This should have happened years ago and companies have 2 more years to remove it from their products. If we know it’s dangerous, why not ban it immediately? It’s been banned in the rest of the world for ages so clearly there must be alternatives.
No more maraschino cherries...
Well, there are choices with no artificial colors in them (Luxardo), but I expect most brands will just change to Red Dye # 40, which is what is used in most maraschino cherries in the EU. So, I don't foresee any shortages affecting our Manhattans and Shirley Temples!
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I am sure we’ve all ingested red dye #3 in varying amounts for decades. It’s been in hundreds of products most of our lives, though some companies have been proactively removing dyes.

Wasn't it banned before? I remember when I came to the US in the 80's everyone complained about no red M&M's? But they came back, so I thought it was using a different dye.

Either way, I'd prefer no dyes in foods.
Wasn't it banned before? I remember when I came to the US in the 80's everyone complained about no red M&M's? But they came back, so I thought it was using a different dye.

Either way, I'd prefer no dyes in foods.
It was banned for certain uses back in ‘80 but was still allowed for foods. This ban includes food use.
Wasn't it banned before? I remember when I came to the US in the 80's everyone complained about no red M&M's? But they came back, so I thought it was using a different dye.

Either way, I'd prefer no dyes in foods.
That was Red Dye #2.
It was banned for certain uses back in ‘80 but was still allowed for foods. This ban includes food use.
Yep. They’ve known it was dangerous for decades but are just now getting around to stopping us from eating it. And not for two more years. Makes no sense.
Red Dye #40 isn't really safe either the way it sounds. Not enough checks and balances you wonder why things like these concerns go on in the US.

I have my idea on why but things like this should be dealt with not thrown under the rug.
Yep!! Sad how mon

Add it to the list. Radon should have already killed me along with several other things.
After my military years working with nuclear missiles and other weapon systems, I should be glowing in the dark! Oh, let's throw in 30 years in petrochemical plants too! And I worry about eating too many carbs now!:2funny:
Red dye number 2 and 3 banned, supposedly red dye number 40 is the substitute? What happened to red dyes number 4 through 39:confused:
Perhaps red m&m's will become an investment.
I don't care if they ban the food coloring but as someone who used to play a toxicologist at w*rk from time to time, the data which is condemning #3 is pretty tenuous. It was developed with (male only) rat models for which the metabolic pathway specifically does not translate to the human. Nor do the doses come close to what most people would ever be exposed to.

But like I say, if someone wants to ban it, I don't care.

Here's a non-scientific "Scientific American" article on the subject. No real data but the concepts are discussed.

I don't know, I have seen humans that bear a very close resembance to rats.
I don't know, I have seen humans that bear a very close resembance to rats.
Heh, heh, I know whatcha mean, but it's all in the enzymatic pathways of metabolism. Not so much about being "ratty" in personality. :cool:

Waiting for Red Dye #4
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