Red Dye No. 3 Banned

We only buy Amarena or Luxardo cherries. Not the neon fake red supermarket kind.

This should have happened years ago and companies have 2 more years to remove it from their products. If we know it’s dangerous, why not ban it immediately? It’s been banned in the rest of the world for ages so clearly there must be alternatives.

Same thing with 3M. The government gave them years to remove the poison in their products that is in ALL our water now.

I don’t understand why 3M seems to get a pass. I guess good PR people.
Same thing with 3M. The government gave them years to remove the poison in their products that is in ALL our water now.

I don’t understand why 3M seems to get a pass. I guess good PR people.
We knew that smoking caused cancer in the 50s. It took until most of the way into the 60s before packages got a warning label.

Money talks louder than facts.
Maybe it is just me but "beet juice added for color" sounds worse than "red dye". . .

I guess I am the only one that hates beets?
Maybe it is just me but "beet juice added for color" sounds worse than "red dye". . .

I guess I am the only one that hates beets?
Nope. I hate beets too. To me, they taste like "dirt" and I've never tasted dirt so I don't know how I came up with that.
Now I know why the cereal in the bins on my last European vacation looked so bland.

Tasted fine. Fake colors won't be missed by me.

I'm probably repeating this story: 55 years later, I'm still in shock over the image of Cathy Jone's Froot Loops sitting in a pile on her desk after she upchucked them. That image got burned in my brain. The color was perfect!
Now I know why the cereal in the bins on my last European vacation looked so bland.

Tasted fine. Fake colors won't be missed by me.

I'm probably repeating this story: 55 years later, I'm still in shock over the image of Cathy Jone's Froot Loops sitting in a pile on her desk after she upchucked them. That image got burned in my brain. The color was perfect!
Thank you so much for sharing that image. :cool:
It's amazing how brainwashed people have become to only want pretty food. Bright colors, blemish free, perfectly shaped fruits and veggies. Coated in wax or whatever, sprayed with colorants and dyes.
Funny story: a good friend is a retired orchard farmer. His son is running the 100 acre orchard. We'll go pick through his blemished fruit that he can't sell and come home with large boxes of the best tasting fruit and veggies I've ever had. Sure they aren't the prettiest but who cares when they taste that good!
Aunt Nellie's Pickled Beets are very good.

What tastes like dirt to me are black eyed peas. DW used to make them for New Years Day and I just couldn't eat them.
It's amazing how brainwashed people have become to only want pretty food. Bright colors, blemish free, perfectly shaped fruits and veggies. Coated in wax or whatever, sprayed with colorants and dyes.
Funny story: a good friend is a retired orchard farmer. His son is running the 100 acre orchard. We'll go pick through his blemished fruit that he can't sell and come home with large boxes of the best tasting fruit and veggies I've ever had. Sure they aren't the prettiest but who cares when they taste that good!
Somebody on another thread asked why egg whites in a carton are so cheap compared to whole eggs. Here's your answer. They use all the rejects that picky consumers won't accept. Too small. Odd shaped. Have speckles (oh the humanity!), and so on.
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