I'm curious how this might work. Anyone I ever wrote a check to has my account and routing numbers. I've sent checks to some very unsavory characters who were quite proficient at various kinds of fraud. I assume they would have jumped at this opportunity, had it existed. Yet it never happened.
Of course, these particular thieves never paid property taxes. Or their rent. Or any of their bills. So maybe there's a loophole here which wasn't available to them. Still, I'd think if a withdrawal of someone else's property taxes hit my account, I'd just have a quick chat with the bank and they'd clear that up. Presumably there'd also be a knock on the door of that property, from the local law enforcement folks.
Why does it have to be a current account. It could aslo be a savings account that does not have checking pri
To ask for someone's bank account number is an odd request, even from a family member. Sure the relative probably won't abuse the information. But that is almost like someone asking for your password. To some that may not feel like a big deal. But to others, it is.
I don't give out my passwords or PIN codes to anyone no matter how they are related to me.
Does the person have an Amazon account? If so, you could just tell the person if they must give you something, get a gift card sent or emailed to you. Probably even easier than using bank numbers.
I do not think that this is an odd request. It may depend on the limits of the sender's etransfer.
I sent my daughter $50K. The easiest way was to do a bank transfer. She gave me her account number, I had my bank transfer that amount to her account.
It was fast, safe, and I only had to do one transaction because there was no per transaction limit.
I truly believe that some people are seeing shadows and imaging that the OP's relative is some sort of a fraudster who will come up with ways to access the account.
Lots of overactive imaginations at work or too much reading about on line fraud stories.
This is NOT about at PIN code, a password, etc...things that I would never pass on to anyone other than my spouse.
Sounds to me like someone who wants to do a relative a good turn. Do not understand why the OP is wrapped around the axle for what appears to be an incredibly simple ask.
If the OP wants to decline then do so. Why make a federal case out of it or imagine all the things that it probably is not? Just say no thank you. Or be offended by the request.
Who has my bank account number? Regular auto deposits ( five), investment advisor, other financial institutions, (four), auto pays (four), taxation folks, and anyone who I have sent a cheque to...for how long I do not know. Only my current account has cheque priviledges.
So, my bank account number is hardly a secret. Morevover, other institutions having it has made my financial life immeasurably easier! I am a stranger at my bank branches.