Replace Iphone Screen


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 24, 2003
Pasadena CA
Cracked the screen on my recent iphone SE2022. Take it to Apple, an independent agent or can it be a DIY?
I fortunately had Applecare covering accidental damage and sent my cracked screen iPad to Apple. They replaced my iPad.

I don’t think it’s a DIY.

Apple will probably quote you the cost of repair.
Had iphone 6, broken screen, replaced. Independent shop. Under $100.

I think price, will vary, depending on iphone model. Call around.
You can definitely do it yourself, but it's not a job for the fainthearted.

A repair kit will cost around $75, and the touch ID function will only work if you use the original home button from your old screen. So it's far from a simple replacement.

Apple will do it for $129, and independent repair shops are usually pretty close to Apple's price.
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