I just had a zone pump replaced for $550 and that was 25% off due to service contract.
My boiler was put in in 1987. But I had some fancy on off electronic gizmo replaced on the burner three years ago. I have baseboard hot water heating.
The guy said I should get a new boiler and wanted to have the salesman call me. He said I could get a modern basic boiler like I have or get a super efficient spiffy model.
I have four zones plus a zone for the hot water heater. Each zone has a dedicated zone pump. I seem to remember paying something like $900 for the whole thing back in 1987 but I may be mistaken. $900 compared to $550 for the zone pump blows my mind. It was evening pricing but still.
He said that now they put a circulating pump that handles all the zones plus zone valves. Is that a better design or is it just a price thing? I would actually need two circulating pumps, one for the water heater.
Any advice or ball park price estimate? I imagine it varies a lot by location. I am in southern new england so probably in the higher priced zone.
My boiler was put in in 1987. But I had some fancy on off electronic gizmo replaced on the burner three years ago. I have baseboard hot water heating.
The guy said I should get a new boiler and wanted to have the salesman call me. He said I could get a modern basic boiler like I have or get a super efficient spiffy model.
I have four zones plus a zone for the hot water heater. Each zone has a dedicated zone pump. I seem to remember paying something like $900 for the whole thing back in 1987 but I may be mistaken. $900 compared to $550 for the zone pump blows my mind. It was evening pricing but still.
He said that now they put a circulating pump that handles all the zones plus zone valves. Is that a better design or is it just a price thing? I would actually need two circulating pumps, one for the water heater.
Any advice or ball park price estimate? I imagine it varies a lot by location. I am in southern new england so probably in the higher priced zone.