Retirement Interrupted


Recycles dryer sheets
Jul 12, 2020
Was sailing along in my newly minted FIRE life, including guitar/voice classes, trail runs, cycling, coaching baseball and occasional socializing. Then catching one of my pitchers who has crazy ball movement and BAM, sprained thumb. Had to drop my guitar class along with 4-5 hours of daily practice I would usually be doing. Oh well, still have voice class and can brush up on music theory.

Then I made the mistake of going to watch a local band at a club and BAM, I get a case of covid. Into my third week of it now and mostly over it, but still pretty low energy and I have lost my sense of smell/taste. My DW and 18YO DS are both great cooks so I'm missing out on enjoying a lot of great meals. And I'm also missing out on my workouts.

Even with all that, I am still LOVING it, especially when I think about what I'd be doing if I were still working.
Unfortunately, Life happens, even in retirement.
Hopefully your thumb heals soon, and you recover from Covid with no lasting issues, and your DW and Son do not get it.
Take Care.
Unfortunately, Life happens, even in retirement.
Hopefully your thumb heals soon, and you recover from Covid with no lasting issues, and your DW and Son do not get it.
Take Care.

Ha, good quote. Yes it does :)
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