I was tired when I made my post (#2) above. Another vote NO for annuities. They should only be for special circumstances.
I did not notice that you said you were already 55, I only saw the "50" in your link. My bad, and congrats because that keeps you out of the SEPP quagmire. Also I didn't read that link but I see someone else did and saw that you'll be getting a pension soon. I agree with them that this simplifies your decision even more.
I would quibble with the suggestion above to wait until 70 to claim SS. If you get hit by a bus at 68, you then got zero. Yes I've seen the 8% increase per year of delay figure, but you can do better by taking it at 62 and investing it. And then if you do get hit by that bus at 68, you have an asset you can give someone/something (can't do that with SS). And my final usual argument, if you wait those 8 years then you are using your own assets to live on during that time instead of the one the gov't is holding and you are entitled to.