Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
I am not saying everyone should do Roth conversions, but now 6 years in, I can show where they'll be beneficial for us. I was happily paying well inside the 12% tax bracket for several years (OK, 7
), until I realized that Soc Sec at 70yo and RMDs were going to force us into the 24% bracket and IRMAA penalties for the rest of our lives. So I started converting aggressively in 2019 (the charts below begin 2022, so several years of large conversions not shown), and it's now clear we'll have some headroom inside the 22% bracket. May look subtle, but tax savings are almost $400K over the next 30 years - even more if tax brackets/rates become more confiscatory. If brackets/rates become generous...not going to happen IMO.
I now have options WRT how much I want at 22% and/or when to stop paying IRMAA penalties.
I know there are others here in the same tax realm. And yes, first world problems.

I now have options WRT how much I want at 22% and/or when to stop paying IRMAA penalties.
I know there are others here in the same tax realm. And yes, first world problems.
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