S&P 500 Prediction 2024

With one week to go to year end, the S&P 500 has clawed its way back out of the Boogie Wonderland Gap and has once again edged into the Shining Star Division, with F.I.R.E. User once again with the closest guess. Just four trading days left in the year, but a lot can still happen. Hang on for the ride! :cool:
It's coming down to the wire...
The midpoint between these 2 guesses is 5829. S&P currently 5870.

NervousNellie12-31-2023 06:12 PM5658
F.I.R.E User12-23-2023 09:56 PM6000
When comparing S & P 500 to VFIAX (the VG 500) how to compare and calculate the rise and fall difference? For instance, Friday 12/27 ended at 5973 and VFIAX ended at 551. Are the %s the same? Dollar amounts the same? Thanks, trying to understand the difference.
When comparing S & P 500 to VFIAX (the VG 500) how to compare and calculate the rise and fall difference? For instance, Friday 12/27 ended at 5973 and VFIAX ended at 551. Are the %s the same? Dollar amounts the same? Thanks, trying to understand the difference.
VFAIX simple holds the same basket of stocks in the same ratio. It tracks the S&P performance very closely but the numbers are not the same. So you can ignore the numeric values. The dollar amounts are not the same, the percentages are.

Also, both the Index and VFAIX receive dividends during the year. Sometimes for the S&P 500 the performance is given without the dividends, sometimes annual performance does include the dividends. VFAIX includes dividends in published performance numbers.
One trading day to go! It will take at 1.6% gain for the S&P 500 to make it back to the Shining Star division, and that will be a challenge. Hopefully we will, at worst, remain in the Boogie Wonderland gap at tomorrow's close! :)
Well, year ended at 5881.63.

According to the list I see the two closest are:
NervousNellie 5658.000
F.I.R.E user 6000.000

So it seems F.I.R.E user is closest, by a little bit.
FINAL RESULT: The S&P 500 did not finish within a division, but at 5,881.63 no one is going to complain about ending in the Boogie Wonderland gap!

Congratulations to

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

F.I.R.E. User


For the closest absolute guess to the year end S&P 500 value! (6000, +118.37 points)

Second Place: FloridaWizard (6100, +218.37)
Third Place: sengsational (6101, +219.37)

So let's take it to the bridge:

All in-vestments are finishing strong,
All our net worths have grown even more,
All our finances gleaming and our hearts keep saying

Boo-gie-Won-der-land, Wonderland... Haah-Aahh-haaah!
Thanks Jolly for the latest results update.
Congrats FIRE

Sad to say goodbye to 2024 and so grateful for an outstanding ending at 5881. Let's pray 2025 is just as good and more important, we don't want 2022 year again.

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