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What is the issue with hexane? You said it best: "If dose makes the poison..."If dose makes the poison in this case, we don't consume enough to be concerned.
If we stray from good quality avocado or olive oil, it would be cold pressed canola.
I will avoid cottonseed oil as that is not a food crop and seed oil extracted with solvents like hexane.
Dose DOES make the poison and hexane (though it can be found in seed oils) is at such a low level that you'd never receive a toxic dose of hexane (acute OR chronic) from use of seed oils. Realistically, what minute trace of hexane remaining in seed oils would volatilize when cooking. What doesn't volatilize would stay with the oil and the small amount of oil in the food would thus lead to an even smaller dose of hexane to the body.
One receives much higher doses of hexane when fueling a car than when eating French Fries cooked in seed oil.