Share Your 2024 Milestones

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I got confused with 10% ROI. They are in t401k, Roth IRA and taxable account. All VTSAX style.

What do you mean by too much for me?
Too much equity for me?? Yes. I'd want 50% or less at just about any given time - and less now. Too bumpy a ride, though I'll never get super rich like a few here have as their equity positions have flurished. Simply a matter of preference (I have enough - and that's enough for me, so I shun high equity position.) YMMV as always.
We hit two milestones today. Our portfolio topped $3.8 million for the first time and our year to date gain topped $500,000. That’s just wild to me.

Well, you can easily fix that with a trip to the Mouse House….that should knock those 500K gains right back down to size (we’re DVC by inheritance).

Congrats, that’s a big milestone. It’s pretty wild when you start getting to those levels…a really good (or bad) day will move our portfolio by upwards of 80K. That’s more than I was grossing in my late 30s.
My 20 something self would be utterly blown away by the numbers I see today. I recall thinking that, if I really w*rk at it, I could retire with a million dollars. Since I retired 19 years ago, my old Megacorp stock in my 401(k) has made me more than a million dollars. I realize that inflation has chewed up a good portion of that, but the numbers are still impressive. A million over 19 years is a lot more than I made per year in the first half of my c@reer.
My 20 something self would be utterly blown away by the numbers I see today. I recall thinking that, if I really w*rk at it, I could retire with a million dollars. Since I retired 19 years ago, my old Megacorp stock in my 401(k) has made me more than a million dollars. I realize that inflation has chewed up a good portion of that, but the numbers are still impressive. A million over 19 years is a lot more than I made per year in the first half of my c@reer.
Never gave retirement much thought or any at all. I sure can relate to wanting a million dollars at some time in life.
I finally got a ride in a C-8 the other day. It's just the "plain vanilla" version with "only" 495 HP. The Z06 must be absolutely awesome. Enjoy and please give us a report.
Yes, the Z06 is quite different. I have to get 500 miles on the odo before I can "let loose"...specific break-in instructions...and I only have 220 so far. Handles great though! I just posted a photo in the BTD thread.

Lots of technology in the car...1) Blind spot monitoring 2) Performance data recorder with multiple cameras and data acquisition to a flash drive 3) 4 driving modes selectable with a dial 4) front-lift system where you can program in 1000 GPS coordinates where the front end will automatically raise 3" so you don't scrape the front air dam 5) Magnetic Ride control where the shocks have small bits of metal in them, and there are sensors that monitor the road a few feet ahead and automatically adjust shock stiffness 200 times/second to improve ride quality 6) Active exhaust which allows you to slightly soften the exhaust noise 7) Drive-by-wire technology 8) Lane departure warning....and much more
Yes, the Z06 is quite different. I have to get 500 miles on the odo before I can "let loose"...specific break-in instructions...and I only have 220 so far. Handles great though! I just posted a photo in the BTD thread.

Lots of technology in the car...1) Blind spot monitoring 2) Performance data recorder with multiple cameras and data acquisition to a flash drive 3) 4 driving modes selectable with a dial 4) front-lift system where you can program in 1000 GPS coordinates where the front end will automatically raise 3" so you don't scrape the front air dam 5) Magnetic Ride control where the shocks have small bits of metal in them, and there are sensors that monitor the road a few feet ahead and automatically adjust shock stiffness 200 times/second to improve ride quality 6) Active exhaust which allows you to slightly soften the exhaust noise 7) Drive-by-wire technology 8) Lane departure warning....and much more
IIRC the standard C-8 has most of that technology though perhaps not quite to the same extent. The big difference is the additional 175 HP and high revving engine. I'd sure love to experience a Z06 some day.

The lift feature you mention is pretty cool. It "remembers" where you want it to lift (like when you pull into your drive.)

I hear that there is a ZR-1 turbo C-8 on the way that will produce 1064 HP!

Of course, already available is the e-Ray which is quicker than the Z06 (but not faster IIRC.)

DW and I retired at the end of May this year. Still of course tracking expenses but noticed we hit $2M investible/invested sometime since then. I hope we can continue to make more in our investments than we are spending.
My IRA hit a new milestone. $1M. (This is just one account). This milestone is after rolling $50k over to Roth this year.

This is the only place I can show my excitement.
Heh, heh, I hear you. That's partly because we know how you feel and can enjoy your success without envy (well, not TOO much.) :cool: Your neighbors, friends and family might not be so welcoming of such news. Or they might come looking for a hand-out.

This is OUR safe space!
I opened the quarterlies and tallied up last night. The investments keep going up and we are contributing the maximum again next year, our last year of employment. It is not much in terms of the big dollars tossed about here, but for one thing:
We are not planning on using any of it or the gains for several years to come. We have other streams to get started with and it will grow unmolested for quite a while :)
We have so much cash tied up in the new house build and equity in this paid off house that it is pointless to figure it all out right now. By 2026 the dust will settle and we'll have a better handle on it.
I have a mix of ETFs, income stocks, growth stocks, dividend growth stocks, most individuals stocks are in my Roth IRA.

My 401k is a classic three fund ETF blend, small cap, mid cap, large cap ETFs, HSA is mainly Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund (FBGRX).

Have a separate rollover IRA that is a high risk income fund experiment.

Between them all with contributions and matches and gains, all together over the last 18ish months, I have grown it from a low of $3kish to now depending on the day $37-41k with a annual dividend income between the different accounts being a total of almost $5k.

Very happy with how things are going.

Total number of accounts are one HSA, one Roth IRA, one rollover IRA, one 401k, one individual brokerage account (smallest account, barely $2k, mainly $1.2k worth of GME I bought as an idiosyncratic risk/reward bet)
I have passed 2 milestones this year:

1. Retired in April at 53
2. Our NW passed $7M in October

I've also completed 24 of the 63 items on my to do list, I hope to have the list at least half done by the end of the year. (I'm working on replacing 2 gutters this week)

Don't be too impressed. I've been lucky in Real Estate (3 properties more than doubled in price in less than 10 years, 1 was an investment property), got a inheritance when I was in my 20s (financially lucky), and to make almost $1M from stock options from 1 company.
I have passed 2 milestones this year:

1. Retired in April at 53
2. Our NW passed $7M in October

I've also completed 24 of the 63 items on my to do list, I hope to have the list at least half done by the end of the year. (I'm working on replacing 2 gutters this week)

Don't be too impressed. I've been lucky in Real Estate (3 properties more than doubled in price in less than 10 years, 1 was an investment property), got a inheritance when I was in my 20s (financially lucky), and to make almost $1M from stock options from 1 company.
Don't need to apologize for being rich.

Just pay it forward. Invest in local scholarships, homeless shelters etc.

You can't take it with you.

A relative of mine is only leaving maybe $100k to his kids each. The rest is going to about 15 different charities.

I doubt I will even get $25k from my parents when they die, with how expensive end of life care is nowadays.
Let's put it this way, I wish I had a dime for every dime I have.
I have passed 2 milestones this year:

1. Retired in April at 53
2. Our NW passed $7M in October

I've also completed 24 of the 63 items on my to do list, I hope to have the list at least half done by the end of the year. (I'm working on replacing 2 gutters this week)

Don't be too impressed. I've been lucky in Real Estate (3 properties more than doubled in price in less than 10 years, 1 was an investment property), got a inheritance when I was in my 20s (financially lucky), and to make almost $1M from stock options from 1 company.
Congrats on your well funded early retirement! But you really need to reassess your to dos. No retired person should have a to do list with 63 items on it.
I have passed 2 milestones this year:

1. Retired in April at 53
2. Our NW passed $7M in October

I've also completed 24 of the 63 items on my to do list, I hope to have the list at least half done by the end of the year. (I'm working on replacing 2 gutters this week)

Don't be too impressed. I've been lucky in Real Estate (3 properties more than doubled in price in less than 10 years, 1 was an investment property), got a inheritance when I was in my 20s (financially lucky), and to make almost $1M from stock options from 1 company.
Wow! That is phenomenal. We all need a little bit of luck( in different ways) to be successful. You grabbed whatever came your way and used it wisely. Congratulation.
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