How odd and unfortunate. Perhaps a bit off topic but I experienced something similar with a close friend. We talked almost weekly (sometimes daily) for decades so he'd know my plans for years, was supportive of me leaving the "dumpster fire" to build my own business, and I had recently been his shoulder to lean on through his years-long divorce.
I called him a few hours after I resigned and his response was a concerned sounding, "Why did you do that?!" Since then we've spoken barely a handful of times (mostly around birthdays and holidays). It might be easy to think he's got his hands full with kids, an ex, and dating (that's what he says). However, while the conversations have been generally pleasant, he's made several fairly sarcastic comments about my FIRE path that have left me feeling uncomfortable (e.g. Him: "So you walked away from an incredible career to spend more time visiting friends and family?" Me: "Well, yes." Him: "Whatever, it's your life to live.").