I can't decide how much money to have in i-bonds.
According to info from googling, a retired person should have 20 to 30% of their bonds in inflation protected securities. That'd be fine if I already had it there, but to buy i-bonds now I would need to pay tax (either gains or income depending where I pull from) on it, so right off it will feel like a losing proposition. I only have 6% in i-bonds currently. I used to have 5% in TIPS but for some reason I disliked them and sold them (apparently I am a one-marshmallow-now type of person, and wanted decent coupon payments instead).
I had scraped up some money last year (earmarked for i-bonds this year) but then when this year came around I changed my mind and used that money to cover doing a Roth rollover.
What percentage of your bonds are in TIPS or i-bonds? Or do you use some particular number of years of income as your goal?
Also, I'm not sure when I'd spend i-bonds, if there was rampant inflation I'd probably be spending my regular bond ladders and letting the inflation protected amount grow. But when there isn't inflation I also don't want to spend i-bonds because of not wanting to lose what little inflation protection I have.
I don't expect to live long enough to have i-bonds maturing. Did I miss the boat (I'm 68 now)? If I could go back in time I'd buy i-bonds from age 50 to 67, and then just spend them as they matured from age 70 to 87.
According to info from googling, a retired person should have 20 to 30% of their bonds in inflation protected securities. That'd be fine if I already had it there, but to buy i-bonds now I would need to pay tax (either gains or income depending where I pull from) on it, so right off it will feel like a losing proposition. I only have 6% in i-bonds currently. I used to have 5% in TIPS but for some reason I disliked them and sold them (apparently I am a one-marshmallow-now type of person, and wanted decent coupon payments instead).
I had scraped up some money last year (earmarked for i-bonds this year) but then when this year came around I changed my mind and used that money to cover doing a Roth rollover.
What percentage of your bonds are in TIPS or i-bonds? Or do you use some particular number of years of income as your goal?
Also, I'm not sure when I'd spend i-bonds, if there was rampant inflation I'd probably be spending my regular bond ladders and letting the inflation protected amount grow. But when there isn't inflation I also don't want to spend i-bonds because of not wanting to lose what little inflation protection I have.
I don't expect to live long enough to have i-bonds maturing. Did I miss the boat (I'm 68 now)? If I could go back in time I'd buy i-bonds from age 50 to 67, and then just spend them as they matured from age 70 to 87.