Show off your dog..or other pet..and how well he/she is treated (and fed)!

What is he eating? Looks like ice cream.

My DS and DDIL used to get their pup Puppuccinos from Starbucks, and desserts from a local bakery made specifically for the pups which consisted of whipped cream (and a doggie biscuit).
These two keep things moving. The Shitzu, has no modesty, and rules the house. We call her "Trouble". Her sister, has no boundaries, and has one brown, and one partially blue eye. Shes named "Bleu."

They eat Farmers Dog $$$.

Caleb; our third Black Labrador, obtained from a breeder in Lancaster, Pa. Primary food is Purina complete adult dog chow and favorite after breakfast snack is a bit of Smucker's strawberry preserves on bread (he has in fact visited Smucker's in Orville, Ohio). Only barks if I am late with his Smucker's. He is very content judging quality of ice cream stands stands across. Will be 6 years old this June and trim at 82#. A really good travel companion on road trips.


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Caleb; our third Black Labrador, obtained from a breeder in Lancaster, Pa. Primary food is Purina complete adult dog chow and favorite after breakfast snack is a bit of Smucker's strawberry preserves on bread (he has in fact visited Smucker's in Orville, Ohio). Only barks if I am late with his Smucker's. He is very content judging quality of ice cream stands stands across. Will be 6 years old this June and trim at 82#. A really good travel companion on road trips.
“With a name like Smucker's, it has to be good!”

It's wonderful that Pinky's new carers are sending you pics. Hopefully that helps put your mind and your wife's mind at ease about her future, although I'm sure you still miss her.
Meet "Tucker". We are petsitting him on our first beachfront housesit. He's the cutest ever! He is still so playful for a 14 year old cat. And, he loves to snuggle on a blanket on your lap while you watch the ocean waves on a chilly, rainy day in Florida. Loving this housesit!

Oh I love it!!!

I had a great lap cat that died a couple years back... adopted another but died way too young... hoping to get a lazy lap cat soon...

The only downside... they get hot after awhile...
Oh I love it!!!

I had a great lap cat that died a couple years back... adopted another but died way too young... hoping to get a lazy lap cat soon...

The only downside... they get hot after awhile...

Ha ha, they sure do!!! And then you don't want to disturb them! 😊
View attachment 52477My boy WileE enjoys Four Health Salmon and Potato. Along with steak, burgers, homemade bacon, and whatever other food I’m eating.
He’s been across country NY to California three times. Countless trips down south in the winter, dragging him away from his beloved ice and snow.
50% German Shepard, 25% Husky, 25% Malamute.

Last October the vet told me he might not make it to Christmas but he did. In March he started Librela shots for arthritis. It’s a wonder! His hips shrank back to almost normal. Even so he can barely walk anymore and is incontinent.

Not looking forward to next weeks vet appointment.
WileE passed away at home today. My heart will never be the same


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We used to always have dogs and cats, but gradually the dogs passed away, and cats kept coming around. So we have 7 cats. Three are former ferals and we built two huge catios for them. They are 10 ft x 20 ft each. They have heated homes, hammocks, cat trees, cots, patio chairs, etc. our inside cats are such good companions.

I remember when I was about 8-9 yrs old, People would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I would say that I wanted to have lots of cats, and wear a ponytail. I’ve fulfilled my dreams. 😄

Below is Sherlock, outside in the catio, sitting on his running wheel.


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We rescued "Jax" from the ASPCA. He was 1.6 lbs. when we brought him home. He is about 4 1/2 now. After 35 years of dogs, he is our first ever cat. He is awesome and spoiled and a very welcomed addition to our family. :)


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Russ the old man dog is no longer in pain.

He is with his beloved Katie. We rescued them 11 years and 1 week ago today.
This is that day, we had not made it home yet and were visiting family.
They were test fitting my lap. It seemed to suit them.
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