So, which Flu Vaccine for 2020-2021?

DH and I were at the local grocery store Pharmacy earlier today and got the 65+ dose: Fluad Quadrivalent 05 ML INJ SEQI. Made the mistake of having the injection in the right arm instead of the usual left and unlike past years when there was no arm pain, my arm hurts a lot :facepalm:. DH has no pain whatsoever. As this is my first time with the high dose shot, I'm wondering if it's a reaction. Pain is similar to pneumonia shot.
DH and I were at the local grocery store Pharmacy earlier today and got the 65+ dose: Fluad Quadrivalent 05 ML INJ SEQI. Made the mistake of having the injection in the right arm instead of the usual left and unlike past years when there was no arm pain, my arm hurts a lot :facepalm:. DH has no pain whatsoever. As this is my first time with the high dose shot, I'm wondering if it's a reaction. Pain is similar to pneumonia shot.

I usually get arm pain from the flu shot--what helps me is to exercise the arm that got the shot--really move it around a lot. At age 65 I had a pretty bad reaction to the high dose ( 102 fever, sick in bed a couple of days) and my doctor told me to get the regular shot going forward not the high dose.
Live attenuated influenza vaccine is approved for use from ages 2yrs to 49 yrs only. This is an intranasal vaccine. There has been concern about asthma in young children, and live vaccines should not be given if you are immunocompromised or if you live with someone who is.

If I was over 65 I’d get the adjuvant vaccine. Read the information on the CDC website. It can help you decide.
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