Social Security Survivor benefits when higher earning spouse dies before 62?


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Jul 7, 2017
My DB died when he was 57. His wife, my DSIL, is not good with money details. She will earn less in her lifetime than DB did. She recently told me she could get DB’s full Social Security at any time (she is now 63) and is anxious to retire soon.

From what I’ve read, it appears to me that she can get DB’s full Social Security, but only if she waits until her full retirement age, which is 67. If she claims earlier than that, it will be reduced.

But what I was read wasn’t crystal clear on the particular case of the higher earning spouse dying before age 62, and I’m wondering if anyone here knows exactly how this works.
You are correct that she must wait until 67 to get his full SS amount (the amount he would have been entitled to when he reached 67). Otherwise, as you say, it will be a reduced amount. She has options. She could claim her own at 62 and wait until she is 67 to claim the survivor amount. Or she can claim the survivor amount as early as 60 and let her own grow until she is 70.
She could claim her own at 62 and wait until she is 67 to claim the survivor amount. Or she can claim the survivor amount as early as 60 and let her own grow until she is 70.
In general for most people which one of these is better with a husband who earns more?
It depends on what the respective amounts are. There is no "in general". Everybody's situation is different. Are there any minor children? Claiming survivor early would also get benefits for the children until they are 18. The previous suggestion for Open Social Security would be a good place to start plugging in actual numbers to see.
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