Spending Levels


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 12, 2002
This evening I finished putting the bill into Quicken and decided to go back and look at how much we have spent YTD. Even though I hate tracking everything I must admit it is good to have this information handy. I do hope this is one habit I can kick when I become an ER. It takes a lot of time.

Anyway, if I was eligible and was to retire today my military pension would cover our monthly expenses with the exception of housing. Of course I have 6 yrs left and the house will be paid off in 4 yrs but it still makes me feel pretty good.

OTOH it is clear to me we need to stay the course and make hay whenever we can. I have not factored in any SWR off of savings at this point and I have not added any sinking funds for cars and major house repairs.

As Roseanne would say: Dan, I have figured out how rich people stay rich lottery tickets. Maybe that will solve my issue with sinking funds :).
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