I'm not sure what qualifies as a staycation, but the vast majority of our vacations are within a few hours of our home. We live in Washington state and there is so much to see and do I don't know that we'll ever see it all. Every time I think I've exhausted the list of possibilities, I discover new sights or activities we can enjoy, often right here in our home town. If anything, multiple things typically fall on the same date so we have to pass on the others.
One of our most memorable staycations was seeing a movie at our local theater, staying at the boutique hotel in town, and going for a small hike the next morning. All within 15 minutes of our house. We had just as much fun as trips that take hours to get to.
After that would be multi-day road trips. We might do one or two of these a year, usually to a neighboring state. Last year we took trips to Idaho and California and enjoyed both very much.
Finally would be trips further away by plane. We don't do these very often, maybe once every five years or so. Our last trip was in 2016 when we flew to Fairbanks, Alaska. These days flying doesn't even sound fun with cramped seats, long waits and security checks at the airports, unruly passengers, doors and wheels falling off planes, etc.
Airfare has also gotten quite expensive compared to what we used to pay.