Stop Using Toilet Paper

And, for those of you so inclined, here's the organic solution...


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Good grief.

One of the most unpleasant memories I have of my days in the military is being at an overseas location with several thousand occupants and running out of TP for three days. Grouchy doesn't adequately describe the mood...
I'm sure this was posted as an example of how bonkers people can get, or how bizarre articles can be.

The image of a bunch of millionaires and flush pensioners wiping their behinds with old rags is a better satire of extreme LBYM than I could ever hope to come up with.

I remember that old corncob or Sears catalog stuff from long ago, and I don't think it is very nice. I want a clean butt, clean beyond mere TP.

We spend around $15 per year per person on toilet paper (3 ladies in the house plus me). A luxury I would not give up in order to get me 0.003 years closer to FIRE. I try to encourage my young daughters to use less than 50 sheets per wipe, but that is mainly from a plumbing/operational desire, not a cost reduction desire.
I ask my 96 year old FIL what was the greatest invention in his life time. I figured something like the airplane, autos, or maybe even television. Nope, Toilet Paper, and without a bit of hesitation.
If I truly wanted to save a little money, I'd get rid of my internet connection. It would save significantly more cash, and I wouldn't have to read incredibly stupid articles like that one! :rolleyes::nonono:
If I truly wanted to save a little money, I'd get rid of my internet connection. It would save significantly more cash, and I wouldn't have to read incredibly stupid articles like that one! :rolleyes::nonono:
I can see it now instead of recycles dryer sheets, recycles corn cobs !
Guess one could always use recycled dryer sheets for TP, in a [-]crack[/-] pinch, so to speak ! :whistle:
Holy Crap! How are you supposed to clean out the washing machine/dryer now? There's plenty of articles about how to disinfect the germ/bacteria factor with the washing machine without adding more excrement to it!
I think I'll find a way to include the cost of TP in my retirement budget.
TP is not an option! I love the comments below the article. "The ick factor"....

Costco. Toilet. Paper.
I'm sitting here with an intestinal bug, feeling like I got run over by a semi, running down the hallway every 20 minutes or so.

The thought of counting my squares got me giggling. :LOL:

Thank you all for the cheap entertainment. I needed it. :flowers:
I wonder if this is one of those articles where the author has run out of topics to write because every other finance blog / money blog has written it, and she is going after the shock and awe factor.

You save pennies to spend many dollars by switching to any of those TP alternatives. The cheapest would technically be the water squirt bottle method, but not when you consider the insane amounts of hand washing you need to do to make sure you don't give yourself a stomach virus by accidentally ingesting left over E. coli from your hands. Good grief.
I ask my 96 year old FIL what was the greatest invention in his life time. I figured something like the airplane, autos, or maybe even television. Nope, Toilet Paper, and without a bit of hesitation.

Funny you should mention this as my mother told me when toilet paper first came out she bought a roll at a time. I gather this was a real treat then.
And to think we just take it for granted...:blush:
Payback for bidet vs TP is calculated as; BMs per day times cost of squares used per wipe times 365 days of the year, divided by cost and installation of said bidet.

For some here at the ER forum, payback would no doubt be less than a year.

Your mileage may vary though depending on diet.
All I have to add is this is the crappiest post so far in 2011......:)
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