Struggling with calculators & pension ????'s


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 5, 2007
I have run FireCalc forwards and backwards. I am still confused. Generally I get it, but there is a disparity as a result of an epiphany that occurred with discussing retirement with a close friend who is already retired. Is my brain just oversimplifying things? Here is the scenario:

At age 55 I will begin collecting a pension of 54.5% of my highest 12 mos of my salary.

At age 60 I will have an additional aprox. $1100/mo mil reserve pension. (today's dollars)

Both pensions are cola'd. Med ins. comes with both pensions and I am also eligible for and prefer the VA system.

I am currently socking away just under 43% of my income into retirement (TSP and Deferred comp) and MF funds.

Since I am "living" on merely 60% of my "income" today, with no intention of this rate changing, why would I not be able to live relatively comfortably on my pensions at that time - and only pull from the savings/investments for extras (extra travel, toys, etc):confused:

Sounds OK to me. No reason to make it harder than it has to be.
Fireup, sounds to me like you're gold plated...and diamond studded! Step away from the calculator and enjoy life. You've got the financial side covered.
Are you saying that Firecalc is not agreeing with you? What's the disagreement?
I agree with REWahoo. You'll be fine.

You are correct in your thinking. Sit back and relax!
Wow - thanks guys - I feel like I should really be more "involved" with "investments", etc (especially around this crowd!) - Since I don't have loads of $$$ in accounts to "see", or a specific dollar amount for the pensions, I felt like I was missing something. I'll just come to terms with my time being the biggest investment.
Fireup Run the advance Firecalc. If you know with a fair certanty what your annual expenses are just plug in the pensions/ss/account balances/decide the shape your portifilo should look like and use 2025 I'd guess as a retire date. If the numbers is where you want it be relax and enjoy!!!

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