I read water meters for several years, and often encountered stray mutts. I had three incredibly effective defenses...
#1 was
"Halt", it was a small pressurized container of pepper spray specifically for defense against mutts...sprayed about 12 feet. I saw it a couple of years ago in an Ace or True Value hardware store.
#2 was my stainless steel, double D-cell battery, flashlight...one good whack and the dog was done!
#3 was my aluminum covered meter book....about 4" wide, 9" long, and 1 1/2" thick...about 1# in weight. Ya crack a mutt with that one and they're done....forever!
So since your not gonna be reading meters, I'd say you're best bet is the "Halt" pepper spray (or similar). I've had a few strays wander up and scare the bejeezuz out of me here on the homestead, and I've found Raid Wasp & Hornet spray to be
VERY effect!!! A nice 20' stream of wasp spray does wonders!
Oh, and those wonderfully playful strays that tried attacking me, always remembered our previous encounters and stayed well away from me. And the doberman watchdog that the gas meter reader nailed, ran and hid from anyone carrying a meter book!