Suggestions regarding real estate

Finally, I considered having a house built to get it the way I want. I feel that option, as many smarter than myself have experienced, is the choice which will cause the most stress and end up costing the most money for the finished product.

We had our house built, and got it the way we want it. It was not terribly stressful. We did pay a little more than market rate for square footage, but the quality is much higher than anything else on the market. You might have to shop around for the right design and build firm. We did buy the lot several years before we built... Good luck!
You said you have a short time frame, are in a place you like with very reasonable rent, don't want to own two houses at the same time and don't want to be a landlord. So yes stick with the rental plan, you'll sleep better at night. Or retire and move ASAP either one would work..

Now that sounds like very good advice, so I second those words.
PS and given the Covid-driven seller's market just about anywhere in the country, perhaps finding the house to buy in Tennessee, with the search for it starting right now, becomes the best course for yourself, Starting the search for that Tennessee home ASAP.
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