Super Bowl squares pool


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 26, 2010
I have a friend whose grandsons baseball team is doing a SB square table for charity. The squares are 50 dollars a piece so the grand total comes to 5000. But the payouts total only 2200. Seems like a large take even if it is for charity. Any thoughts?:cool:
My guy pays out all but $400 on $10K ($100/square) but I’m pretty sure he’s not a charitable organization. :)

That payout does seem a little light. Even a 50/50 raffle would pay out $2,500. Still, it’s for a cause (good cause is in the eye of the beholder) so if you’re not interested in supporting the cause, you can pass.
Be careful, this is considered gambling in many areas and illegal where gambling is not allowed.
I've seen such a raffle type situation, mostly filled with business inputs. Upon winning, the business gave the grand prize back to the charity. I doubt that is common, but it was excellent advertising as the whole thing was telecast on local news and (IIRC) picked up within the state. I was there in person, having entered as a business owner (President - unpaid, actually.) Not sure I would have donated the prize which was substantial.
Be careful, this is considered gambling in many areas and illegal where gambling is not allowed.
Waivers are available in most states for such "games" as it's chalked up to charity "giving." BUT, it DOES require a waiver.
Waivers are available in most states for such "games" as it's chalked up to charity "giving." BUT, it DOES require a waiver.
I only mentioned it because on another forum I belong where proceeds were donated, some sort of IRS forms were involved after being discovered. The poor guy who set up the squares took it in the shorts, so it was dropped, or at least no longer in an open chat forum.
It's a fundraiser, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Someone I used to work with for decades used to run one at work, and it paid out 100% of what it collected, as it was just for fun. I want to say it was $5/square when I started, maybe up to $20 when he stopped? Like someone else said, think of it as a charity raffle.
It's a fundraiser, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Someone I used to work with for decades used to run one at work, and it paid out 100% of what it collected, as it was just for fun. I want to say it was $5/square when I started, maybe up to $20 when he stopped? Like someone else said, think of it as a charity raffle.
I'm guessing the size of the "bet" is immaterial to the law(s) of the state/local. It's just that no one is likely to come crashing through the front door of your Megacorp to arrest folks because no one is going to complain to the authorities about such a game.

We used to have a "check pool" on monthly pay day. For a quarter you got to enter and to win, your check number was your poker hand. The boss often participated but made sure, if he won, to treat everyone to coffee with his winnings.
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