Good luck to you. I’m six weeks in and the work gunk is evaporating. The first week was the hardest, I think because I was like the coyote running off the cliff after the last completed deadlines, awkward staff good byes on Zoom with the people I liked and still harboring habitual lingering bad feelings for those I didn’t. I started shaking it off after a week and that process gets better and better each day for me. It’s still hard to realize I can have whole days of just reading or puttering and that’s A-OK. I do feel a lot less stressed and calm, which must have health benefits, such as sleeping peacefully and fully. I’m not really thinking about my former workplace much as my mind focuses indulgently on other interests but occasionally some former toxic work relationship invades my mind, like an unwelcomed hemorrhoidal flare up. Then it’s a great relief to realize, exactly like waking from a bad dream, “That stuff isn’t real anymore and I am done with it and them.” Already, I’m remembering mostly the good parts and people of that job and feeling grateful for them, while forgetting the bad, just as with all the rest of my jobs. I had a good boss and I called her Friday to check in. Still the same old challenges there, so I felt for her. Congratulations on your achievement and enjoy the summer weather while it lasts!