I voted "Maybe". It all depends on what exactly the tax money will be used on. If it's actually used for things like repairing roads & bridges, or installing new, or repairing old water & wastewater systems, or building and maintaining school, hospitals, prisons/jails, or that sort of thing.... then, yeah, I could go for a
reasonable tax increase.
However, things would definitely need to change, and change majorly, for me to give it my official "Okey-Dokey". First off, on the state level, the rules, laws, and constitution are all going to need to be revamped and rewritten! As it stands currently, the state legislature earmarks tax dollars to be used for specific thing, but our [-]idiotic, worthless, POS[/-] illustrious governor (the one who was arrested for trying to sell a senate seat, and is currently looking at impeachment) basically steals that earmarked money, and throws it at his pet projects, whims, and desires. Until that sort of BS is halted.....screw state tax increases!!!
As for local tax increases...not a lot of difference in my opinion there either! Our local city officials throw money around on stupid sh*t continuously. As an example, we have a low lying section of town that has been prone to river flooding for...let's see....how long?....oh yeah...
forEVER!!! Several years ago there was a federal buyout for homeowners in that area, and most of the folks took the money and ran! Anyway, the city received the land to use as they saw fit.....one major rule.....NO buildings or other structures could be built there because it's officially flood land.
So now the whizz-bangs at city hall have decided to sink $250,000....that's a quarter million dollars.....tax dollars in a gazebo, major playground equipment, fancy-schmancy landscaping, etc., in that approximately 4 square block area. Oh, I forgot to mention that that area was flooded 4 times last year....majorly flooded. Destroyed landscaping, trees, boat docks, and what little playground equipment
was there. And now they want to sink that $250K in there to be wiped out in the next flood....most likely this year, as it floods there at least once a year! STUPID!!!!
So on the local level.....they can kiss my @ss on the courthouse lawn on Saturday afternoon, if they think I'd approve of a tax increase by
The citizens of this town, including yours truly, did approve a sales tax increase for the city, about 5 years ago. That money can only be used for water/sewer improvements.....nothing else! But until I see a cutback on stupid spending....they'll never get my approval for another increase in any taxes!!! Never!!!
On the county level, if it's for a life/safety issue, I'd most likely give them a 'yes' vote. The county has really tightened it's belt, and cut out almost all needless spending. They actually amazed me! My hat's off to those guys & gals...good job!!!