Testicle Pain


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 14, 2016
Washington State
It is an embarrassing topic, but I'm guessing a lot of men have this problem at some point in their lives.

About a month ago I woke up with a fairly significant pain in my right testicle. Kind of a dull ache, no sharp pain, with minor swelling. I hadn't done anything to cause injury or strain, so I was a bit baffled. I waited about a week to see if it would get better, then went to urgent care fearing all the possibilities (infections, torsion, kidney stones, cancer, etc.). The doctor did a full exam but didn't find anything of concern. They did a full panel of urine and blood tests and everything came back looking great. Picture of health, no explanation for the pain.

Doc said to take Ibuprofin as needed for the pain. I took 2-3 pills daily for about three days, which seemed to help. Unfortunately, I started noticing ringing in my ears and stopped the ibuprofin. Pain had decreased but was still present. So the following week I went back to urgent care again. New doc did another exam, again, nothing unusual found. She ordered an ultrasound, which I had to wait another two weeks for.

By the time I got to the ultrasound the pain and swelling had diminished, but I got the test anyway. They found three small 3mm cysts on the epididymis, but said these were very common, don't need any treatment, and were unlikely to cause any pain.

In the end no cause was ever found for the pain in my testicle. Today I'm feeling back to normal and I can lay on my side comfortably again without feeling an aching lump. I looked back at my health records and I had something like this around 12 years ago, again with no explanation. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing, but it was still a bit scary. I don't do good with health problems... :)

On a side note, I generally don't have a problem being naked around others. However, I found being nude at a beach feels a lot different than being examined up close. :) In the last two months I've had a dermatologist check me out from head to toe, the first urgent care doc poking and prodding, the second urgent care doc doing a full scrotal exam, and the ultrasound tech rubbing a sensor all over the jewels. My wife didn't help, pointing and commenting to the technician about areas of concern. :)

On the upside I got a good checkup and seem to be in good health. So there's that...
Assuming you've had a vasectomy? Maybe it has to do with your diet? Any recent changes?
Brother had an extreme version of this problem. Could barely walk at times. Don’t know that it was ever fully resolved. BIL also had this but his cleared up quickly with antibiotics. Your post will provide useful info.
It drives me crazy when I can get to the answer of what is wrong. I had a lump below my jaw back under the ear. Couple tests, no one’s sure what it is, goes away in a couple months and doctors are happy. Me, I’m still wondering what it was and if it will come back.

Glad you’re feeling better. I certainly hope it doesn’t come back.
Assuming you've had a vasectomy? Maybe it has to do with your diet? Any recent changes?
Never had a vasectomy, and no changes in diet or lifestyle in the last few months. It just appeared out of nowhere and slowly faded away on it's own.
Brother had an extreme version of this problem. Could barely walk at times. Don’t know that it was ever fully resolved. BIL also had this but his cleared up quickly with antibiotics. Your post will provide useful info.
I suspected some kind of infection as my wife had a UTI around the same time my pain started. We had visited a hot tub spa a week or so earlier, so I didn't know if I got something there or infection transferred from my wife. But none of the tests showed any infection. Docs are kind of stingy with antibiotics these days and none ever offered antibiotics as an option.
I had recurring bouts of testicular pain over the course of several years. Only when they grew so excruciating that I was writhing on the couch did I seek medical care. After much scanning and probing, no one could figure out the problem. A urologist suggested exploratory surgery. When they did, they found a tumor on the epididymus and removed it. That was 12 years ago and I have never had a recurrence.
It drives me crazy when I can get to the answer of what is wrong. I had a lump below my jaw back under the ear. Couple tests, no one’s sure what it is, goes away in a couple months and doctors are happy. Me, I’m still wondering what it was and if it will come back.
Yeah, I've had a lot of that over the last few years. I've gone to the doc several times for various conditions and am basically told "you're fine, go home" (after waiting a month for an appointment). I usually won't see a doctor unless I feel something is really wrong, so I end up feeling like I'm making it all up. Suck it up buttercup, stop your whining. :)
I had recurring bouts of testicular pain over the course of several years. Only when they grew so excruciating that I was writhing on the couch did I seek medical care. After much scanning and probing, no one could figure out the problem. A urologist suggested exploratory surgery. When they did, they found a tumor on the epididymus and removed it. That was 12 years ago and I have never had a recurrence.
Yikes, I'm glad they found out what was causing your pain. I'm surprised it never showed up on an ultrasound?

Somewhere in my research (Google self diagnosis, I'm gonna die tomorrow.) I read the cause of testicular pain is never known in more than half the cases.
Yikes, I'm glad they found out what was causing your pain. I'm surprised it never showed up on an ultrasound?
I think the Doctor was surprised to find it. Maybe the ultrasound was less accurate back then. I'm just glad they fetched it out.
Do you have a good hospital nearby?

Not something I would usually recommend, but (and this is during March of 2020) I had an ongoing issue that was not getting diagnosed, and had DH bring me to a good local hospital. They were able to run a a plethera of examinations, diagnose the issue and treat me (which included a seven day admission), and weekly visits to the hospital over the next two months to ensure that I continued to improve.
Probably transitory ? I actually get testicle pain sometimes when I'm about to get sick (ill). I always tell DW and sure enough usually, bang, day or two later I'm sick.

Call them early warning testicles if you will... ha
you didn't mention if they will check for a kidney stone going down using the ultrasound or something similar like a ct-scan?
Could be a hycrocele. These usually resolve on their own but may need surgery. Ultrasound will likely be enough to diagnose the condition. Don't ask me how I know.

Never had a vasectomy, and no changes in diet or lifestyle in the last few months. It just appeared out of nowhere and slowly faded away on it's own.
Would be interested to hear experiences (in the context of this thread) related to vasectomies. Even for ones done a long time ago, there may be recurring - ranging from very mild to rather annoying - flare-ups of symptoms.

A related one is lingering effects of long-ago hernias... pains not necessarily in the nether-regions themselves, but in the lower abdomen, not far from where the nerves and blood vessels and so on, enter the trunk of the body.
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