The Anxiety of Success

Couldn't agree with you more. I've traveled many places including the 3rd world where I think people are happiest. I think the reason is simple - lower expectations.

No, it's not really lower expectations. Rather, it's contentment. The former is a negative attitude to have, while the latter is a positive one.
Please remember to relax and enjoy the journey and smell the roses along the way. Time passes so very quickly.

I resigned from a very high paying job in OH to get back to the warm weather in FL and then resigned from a 100k+ job in FL (found one within 3 months in 2009) to have more time to spend with my elderly mother who decided to move across the country to live close to DH and I. She never would have moved to live near us in the land of ice and snow.

Could I have worked longer at the high-paying job to create an even larger retirement? Yes, but what if my mom died waiting for me to decide I had enough? If I hadn't gone with my gut and left the job in OH, I wouldn't be living 200 paces from my mom instead of a 4-hour airplane flight.

The time slips away and can never be recovered and I know I will never regret the extra time with her.

You made the right choice.

You can bill your time, but you can never buy it back....
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