The Teaching Company "Great Courses" DVD's


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
I recently purchased a DVD from this company. For those not familiar with them, they offer educational DVD's on a myriad of topics including science, religion, history, art etc.
I am very satisfied with my purchase BUT: one purchase and it's like donating to a charity. Every day I get one - or even two - emails pushing yet another DVD series that I should buy. On top of that, approximately once a week I get a hard-copy small catalog in the mail. And, of course, they are on sale for 2 days only!
Like I said, I am happy with my original purchase. But this nagging is unreal.
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My sister was a pretty high level exec there. They have good content but the marketing is bizarre.
I have one too, and it's a great course. The library has a lot too, and I hope to have more time to watch them after I quite w*rk ! I've also noticed the interlibrary loan program can get them from all over the state for me, on a 6 week check out, so I'm looking forward to that.

I also keep getting lots of catalogs, and offers. They just never quit. Each says I can get a great deal for 2 days only ! But then comes the next one in the mail saying the same thing. I figure I can get them any time.
I have several of them and take advantage of their heavy marketing.

They regularly have 80% or more off on the DVDs. I wait until they have a sale on something I want before I buy.
I have thought about buying from their catalog in the past but never followed through.

Now many wonderful courses are available free online. Two great sources are iTunesU from Apple and a relatively new site that is partnering with some top universities I've done a couple of iTunesU lectures and am halfway through a full course, plan to try out Coursera sometime soon.
I have bought a number of things from the Teaching Company.

Here's the way it works for those who haven't bought there. At any given time some of their courses are on sale at about 70% to 80% off or so. Those are reasonably priced. We homeschool our daughter and I just bought a Music course from them that was on sale.

On the other hand I wanted to buy the astronomy course for her but it wasn't on sale. I could either just not buy it or wait for it to come on sale (now way was I paying almost $700 for it). But, wait!

I log onto eBay and find the course, brand new for well under $200 and bought it. Basically if a course isn't currently on sale at the Teaching Company site you can often find it new or barely used at eBay.
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