This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

About 2" of snow here on the north side of Houston. My dog did not know what to do when we started our walk this morning But he figured it out! (y)

It's been pretty cold here and we had snow the other night. Initially the doggo was ticked off but calmed down about the situation.
I looked at the radar recently, and it’s snowing all along the Gulf Coast from here to New Orleans! And well out into the ocean too. Very unusual. I noticed it was snowing in Galveston and Houston as well as Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Louisiana coast. That was at 6:20am CT

We were on the northern edge of that storm in Central Texas, so we may have received 1" of snow overnight. Yeah, very strange to see the coastal areas getting more snow than inland north of Austin
Well the first snow in several years just started to fall around here. They "say" it will snow for about 6 hours and should be about a 1 to 2 inch accumulation. That's really unusual here.

About 2" of snow here on the north side of Houston. My dog did not know what to do when we started our walk this morning But he figured it out! (y)
Well we got about 1/4 inch, if that. Probably best described as a dusting.
Just now dropped to 32 degrees here. Don’t see any snow out, but we just lost power, aargh!
Missing my ROMEO meet this morning at Whataburger. I called the place and the manager answered and said she is there with only one person so they can't open. Maybe around 11 she said if people show up. :(

Most of I-10 in Louisiana is shut down. They are getting more ice and snow than Texas.
-11 here this morning. But forecast is for 4 days of near freezing temps starting Saturday. That’ll seem like a heat wave.

65% chance of snow tomorrow and Thursday, but it doesn’t look like we’ll get much.
One thing I appreciate about being retired is that I can just stay home if I don't like the weather. I hope everyone stays safe, especially those who don't normally get the cold and snow. We don't need any falls or wrecks.

The news said -10F here this morning. It is suppose to warm up to 37F this afternoon but 30-40 mph winds. It has been high in the teens and lows below 0F since Friday.
29 this morning, luckily no moisture in the forecast, even though we could use some rain.
Forecast sunny and cold all week.
One thing I appreciate about being retired is that I can just stay home if I don't like the weather. I hope everyone stays safe, especially those who don't normally get the cold and snow. We don't need any falls or wrecks.

The news said -10F here this morning. It is suppose to warm up to 37F this afternoon but 30-40 mph winds. It has been high in the teens and lows below 0F since Friday.
Definitely. I even rescheduled a couple of appointments because I didn’t like the weather!
I've been waking up to -18F here in Minneapolis the past 3 days. It's going to reach 6F today. Tomorrow looks more normal at 29F for a high temp.
-5F at my house this morning.
Still hot embers in woodstove, added some wood, lit right. About a foot and a half of snow on the roof. Did blow the driveway clean yesrday.
Tomorrows forecast is for -7, tthis mornings' forecast was for +5F.
-11 here this morning. But forecast is for 4 days of near freezing temps starting Saturday. That’ll seem like a heat wave.

65% chance of snow tomorrow and Thursday, but it doesn’t look like we’ll get much.
I'm in Iowa so very similar forecast here. I heatwave of 30 tomorrow.
No snow here in South Florida, but it is a chilly 65 degrees and rainy.
It's 12:30 PM here and the sun just came out. So now this 4" or so of snow will be slowly leaving us. My dog enjoyed the new experience of walking in it and licking it. LOL!
We had to break out the extra sheet last night and close all the windows as tight as they will go. Fortunately no howling winds to listen to. It likely will not break 80 today. Yesterday was dreary and cool (for us) with some much needed rain. I'm sitting here with a lap blanket, waiting for it to warm up a bit.
Snowing in Orange Beach AL. Pretty wild.
We received about 3 inches of snow Sunday in the Mid-Atlantic. Nothing too concerning, but the temperature has not gotten above 18 degrees F since then, and with the wind chill it has been feeling 5-10 degrees below the actual temperature. The forecast does not look to break 32 degrees, including wind chill, until Friday, Brrrr!
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