DD2 was upset because the deal is grossly unfair to her.
DD1 gets the enjoyment of a fantastic living arrangement for her children and for rest of her life (I doubt you are going to make her move when you pass). Plus it sounds like you will be maintaining the place, the horses and even paying staff!
If you try to equalize it in your bequests, then DD2 gets bigger pile of money when she's old - that's not in the same ballpark as what DD1 got in her life.
If you try to equalize it with "rent", surely $6k/mo is a tiny fraction of the true value, especially with you covering some upkeep expenses. For easy math, let's say your property is worth $10M. The value of use you are giving DD1 can be thought of as covering the borrowing costs of that. At today's 7% interest rates, that's $700K/year (plus property taxes and other expenses you will be footing). Unless you are prepared to make extra gifts of similar size to DD2, DD2 is going to feel it's unfair. By the time you get to a "fair" number, DD1 might rather have the cash too!
Once you pass, I doubt you are going to make DD1 move out, so you have future issues. It's impossible to plan for everything that might happen and it's such a big asset that how it's disposed of is going to matter to the perceived fairness of the will.
You've mixed issues that don't have to be mixed. One is your desire to downsize and be closer to grandkids, the other is what to do with your large property. The simplest thing is to move close to the grandkids, sell the large property and make gifts to the kids as you desire.
DD1 gets the enjoyment of a fantastic living arrangement for her children and for rest of her life (I doubt you are going to make her move when you pass). Plus it sounds like you will be maintaining the place, the horses and even paying staff!
If you try to equalize it in your bequests, then DD2 gets bigger pile of money when she's old - that's not in the same ballpark as what DD1 got in her life.
If you try to equalize it with "rent", surely $6k/mo is a tiny fraction of the true value, especially with you covering some upkeep expenses. For easy math, let's say your property is worth $10M. The value of use you are giving DD1 can be thought of as covering the borrowing costs of that. At today's 7% interest rates, that's $700K/year (plus property taxes and other expenses you will be footing). Unless you are prepared to make extra gifts of similar size to DD2, DD2 is going to feel it's unfair. By the time you get to a "fair" number, DD1 might rather have the cash too!
Once you pass, I doubt you are going to make DD1 move out, so you have future issues. It's impossible to plan for everything that might happen and it's such a big asset that how it's disposed of is going to matter to the perceived fairness of the will.
You've mixed issues that don't have to be mixed. One is your desire to downsize and be closer to grandkids, the other is what to do with your large property. The simplest thing is to move close to the grandkids, sell the large property and make gifts to the kids as you desire.