TikTok plans to go dark on Sunday

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Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 11, 2012
I am not on it, but it will be interesting to see what happens on Sunday.
I hate TikTok. Among many other things it spreads bad ideas among young people like the people who steal Kia's and Hyundai's. My Insurance has gone up almost 100% since that started. Problem is if they take down TikTok then people will just move to another App and it'll start all over again.
I’m okay with forcing a sale. I’m not okay with them banning it on short notice. Like it or not, many people earn their livelihood on the app. Shut it down tomorrow and you put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. They need to set a reasonable deadline for a sale to happen. Not 2 or 3 days.
I’m okay with forcing a sale. I’m not okay with them banning it on short notice. Like it or not, many people earn their livelihood on the app. Shut it down tomorrow and you put hundreds of thousands of people out of work. They need to set a reasonable deadline for a sale to happen. Not 2 or 3 days.
The original decision to ban passed a majority vote in April 2024. So, notice given. Tiktok was given 270 days to sell or face this ban on the app stores.

I believe (and I haven't looked in depth) that the decision to go dark this weekend was made by the current owners, as a ploy to spark even more outrage.

The actual "ban" that the US is implementing is to stop/download the sale of the app in app stores, etc. Those with the app already on their phones (70million in the US) would have still been able to use it - the "ban" that's approved does not shut down TikTok's apps or servers.

Bytedance/TikTok are taking their ball and going home, and I would bet that after...um...Monday?...it will come back.
The original decision to ban passed a majority vote in April 2024. So, notice given. Tiktok was given 270 days to sell or face this ban on the app stores.
This. And I could care less.

I also could care less about the app. It is the underlying story which is making people take notice.
Good. I see no socially redeeming value in TikTok.
People whose entire business success rides on the availability of a particular app will always be at the mercy of who owns and controls the app. Is this a good business practice? I’l let the business owners decide for themselves.
Never actually seen it, let alone use it, seems they are all over the news.
Can they please take all the influencers, socialites, actor's sobstories with them into oblivion?
I'm guessing very few people if any one here use TikTok. What are your thoughts on banning an entire social media platform?

I know the concern was they are stealing data and it's a "spy" application. Unfortunately, all of the major tech companies are also mining data from its users. It's good for companies like google and meta, less competition.

Do you think it's ok to flip a switch and shut down a company?
I'm guessing very few people if any one here use TikTok. What are your thoughts on banning an entire social media platform?

I know the concern was they are stealing data and it's a "spy" application. Unfortunately, all of the major tech companies are also mining data from its users. It's good for companies like google and meta, less competition.

Do you think it's ok to flip a switch and shut down a company?
As noted yesterday, the owners flipped the switch. It's a ploy. Their message on the app home page is political as well.
It looks like TikTok suspended its services for US-based users while Apple Inc. and Google removed the platform from their mobile app stores.
When China banned Facebook, Google, they didn't even have a procedure. Someone said that it should be banned. That's enough.
I'm guessing very few people if any one here use TikTok. What are your thoughts on banning an entire social media platform?
To be clear, the problem isn’t the app itself. The problem is the Chinese government harvesting all of the user data. That’s what the court rulings are targeting - the national security threat.

I’ve never posted to TikTok but I do use it. It’s no different than Instagram really. It’s just a place for people and businesses and charities to post short videos for entertainment, promotion, fund raising, and more. Some of our favorite restaurants use TikTok as part of their social media presence to promote themselves, for example. Community theaters may post short clips of their latest production to advertise.

I don’t think we should be banning platforms. I do think we should be addressing national security concerns.
People whose entire business success rides on the availability of a particular app will always be at the mercy of who owns and controls the app. Is this a good business practice? I’l let the business owners decide for themselves.
I know many, many people who are full time eBay sellers. A lot of them do 6 or even 7-figure sales annually. eBay is their only platform and has been for as long as 20+ years. Is that a bad business practice? Is it any worse than owning one store in a shopping mall? Or having a restaurant in a dying downtown area? Lots of businesses are wholly dependent on a single “platform” whether it’s online or in person.
This is not China. That is a good thing.
Right, it isn’t.
Here, it needed a bipartisan act of congress, done with 9 months of notice. Numerous court challenges as well.

I don’t believe social media’s ability to manipulate people is a good thing.
If that power is in control of the Chinese government, that becomes an even more critical concern.
I really don't approve of platforms that exist only to manipulate people. . .

I know people that use it and it seems to be utter garbage but I have not used it.

I try to limit the amount people can track my behavior and personal data online as well. Not that anyone would want it but it is how I choose to live.
I don’t understand or know how to use TikTok. Furthermore, I haven’t a clue as to why I would venture there. I must be getting old!
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