Tiller Money


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 11, 2012
just ran into this while researching money/budgeting apps https://www.tillerhq.com

has anyone tried it, thoughts, etc.

i use pc and like it fine, but looking for something a bit more robust for non-investment type of tracking and mint is just ok. i used quicken for 20+ years until it lost its 'allure' for hardcore users.


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Looks decent from the info available on the website, but at $80 a year subscription, it SHOULD be delivering.
For us, it makes no sense. We don't have any recurring liability. Our expenses are well below needing to manage them. Knowing our net worth is simply a summary of our assets (easily summed with a few clicks on line) vs our liabilities which has been mentioned is zero. We don't need to know what our net worth was last month or last year on a graph. That is history and history has no bearing on us today.

I never got into the Quicken camp that constantly has to categorize each and every expenditure. It is not just Quicken but many other apps/programs and online tools that do the same. My banks, my CC companies and other financial institutions provide that to me for free.

If knowing this info helps you be a better consumer, saver, or planner then maybe it, or something similar makes sense. Maybe it is useful for a person who just wants to feel good about their financial position. Like euro posted, 80 per year? That too would be a deal breaker for us.
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