Travel insurance for England trip?


Recycles dryer sheets
May 25, 2006
Planning a weeklong trip to England in late April and am considering some sort of travel insurance, primarily to cover the situation of testing positive the day before I fly back and having to quarantine for the next 5-10 days before coming back. So it's primarily for the cost of a hotel plus the increased airfare.

Not so much worried about having to cancel before I leave, as the impact (and cost) of that is a lot less and not worth insuring.

Any opinions, and approximate insurance costs (if you've done something similar)?

If you go to and search on "Wayne Wirtanen" you will find a fairly comprehensive series of articles on travel insurance. This is pre-COVID but you will also get some names of specialist agencies who can give you authoritative information.

Offhand, it doesn't seem to me that the relatively small financial risk you describe is worth insuring against. Most of the premium would probably go to insuror overhead and profit, but YMMV of course.
We always purchase travel insurance for international travel. We’ve had to use it several times. We book through, a broker site which offers a variety of companies and policies. We have compared their site to others and have always found them to be better price. Customer service is excellent too.
You just need to make sure that the policy you pick will cover the expenses you are seeking to protect against. Read the fine print.
We would not travel internationally without medical and evac insurance. Pre covid we were out of the country 4 months a year, sometimes more.

In our experience, insurance cost is based on age, medical history etc. We never buy from a TA or travel vendor. Always from the carrier. One thing for certain, out of country insurance policies are not all the same. Understand what you are buying. Never depend on a TA reading the highlights of the policy from a promo data sheet issued by the insurer.
We would not travel internationally without medical and evac insurance. Pre covid we were out of the country 4 months a year, sometimes more. ...
We purchased the BCBS package that we have because it provides medical coverage internationally.

We usually buy evac insurance, though. Exceptions are first world countries and when we have confidence in our local-to-the-country travel arranger and guide. My concern is having someone to call who has the staff and experience to take over and manage the logistics of the evac. Financial coverage of the cost hit is secondary as we could absorb it if necessary. It is the logistical capability that I want to have.
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