Trying to Gain Ground


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 22, 2009
I've been lurking around the site for awhile trying to determine what I want to do when I grow up. At this point my DW and I are ready to get serious about ER. However, like everybody else the last few years have not helped much. Our net worth is virtually the same as two years ago. I guess we're lucky that our investments have been pretty conservative (45/40/15 - stock,bond,cash). Still employed and survived my wife's layoff and new job last year. We're able to save quite a bit each month and hope to pull ahead at some point. We;re 54/53 years and the kids are through college and the houses are paid off. My pension was frozen back in '94 and will only provide about $600 in retirement. I look forward to the advice and interacting with the members of this board.
fixfirev5, welcome to the forum! Two incomes and the kids out of college, no mortgage -- it sounds like you're in a great position for some serious saving. I hope that will get you to FIRE as quickly as possible. As soon as Foxfire version 5?

Again, welcome!

Coach, thanks for the encouraging words. As far as the foxfire version 5 goes - we're not that high tech. It was our old family nickname.
Welcome to the forum! You're in your highest saving years - without the mortgage and child raising expenses. So, hopefully, you'll find your portfolio gaining in leaps and bounds. All the best.
Welcome ! My wife and I are about the same age as you (55/52). Still got a mortgage and still have one in high school (senior). However, thinking real hard about FIRE.
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