Turning over a new leaf in the Soap Box

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No, Rich, I don't think so.

I think Janet isn't in step with Mephisto prices either, but she's asking if you must throw shoes, make sure you throw premium brand!

-- Rita
No, Rich, I don't think so. I think Janet isn't in step with Mephisto prices either, but she's asking if you must throw shoes, make sure you throw premium brand!

But can she move like W? That moment will live in my memory as the high point of his 137 years in the White House. ;)
Well, now, you're asking about her level of physical coordination.

Can't answer that one -- she's just a virtual personna to me.

-- Rita
Stevie Ray
You be sexy Woman, Janet.


Ha, I took you for more of a platform guy...>:D


But can she move like W? ;)

Hmm... well yes probably. But I would stay "ducked" until the rest of the projectiles had been accounted for. Shoes come in pairs! Playing (musician) in bars during grad school was good training for dodging thrown objects. :D
I thought the invention of chicken wire made that unnecessary...
Chicken wire stops the bottles and glasses but not the liquid contents. My band used to have a running joke about how to tell the smarter drunks from the double digit ones.. they drank the beer before tossing the container.
Chicken wire stops the bottles and glasses but not the liquid contents. My band used to have a running joke about how to tell the smarter drunks from the double digit ones.. they drank the beer before tossing the container.
I've never understood the drunks at major league ballparks dumping an almost full beer on an opposing player near the fences. Those things are like eight bucks a pop these days. If you're going to do it, at least drink most of it so you only spill $1-$2 of beer on the poor, unsuspecting right fielder...
Hmm... well yes probably. But I would stay "ducked" until the rest of the projectiles had been accounted for. Shoes come in pairs! Playing (musician) in bars during grad school was good training for dodging thrown objects. :D
In that case we'd be talking six-packs...

I think dodging thrown objects in bars is good training for being a grad student.
I guess it is a good thing I am late to the serious discussion of the subject, cause I'm sorry to see the soapbox go. I read the announcement and said well this decision was made in the minds of the moderators months ago and it is pointless to debate it.

Several of us offered a suggestion keep the soapbox but don't moderate it, but sadly even that suggestion was pulled during the heated pre election discussion.

Truth be told I don't really care a fig about the soapbox what I care about is what the soapbox offered namely.

A place to have a discussion of the events of the days among people who's intelligence I respected, even when I was certain they were dead wrong :).

So if the powers that be tell me where it is appropriate to debate
- The Obama cabinet: a betrayal of the left or smart choices?
- The Auto bailout :a march toward socialism or a necessary evil?
- Medoff Ponzi scheme: How could rich people be so stupid or there but the grace of God go I
- Carolina Kennedy: Good choice or liberal media hypocrisy?
- Afghanistan: Pull out now or win the war?

Ha Ha said it right, after 9 years of doing this early retirement stuff there isn't a lot new stuff to discuss that is relevant to FIRE. I'd like to think I am performing a public service in helping people new to the concept get on the road to FIRE. But that is entirely possible that is a conceit on my part and frankly most all of us long time early retirees. This time it may really be different and our 100 years of history stocks for the long term, 4% SWR yada yada advice may not only be wrong but dangerous to others financial well being.

So is this a forum only for discussion of bacon, bunnies, boots,and babes interrupted by the occasional discussion of financial matters or are we allowed to have discussion about non-financial topics where people may have passionate opinions that differ? :(:(
Careful, Clif, you never know what that moderator volunteering stuff will do to your free time...

I think Andy should create a new SocialKnowledge.net board named the "Soapbox", with all SK members also having posting privileges there, and moderated by volunteers. Pretty much the same way that I can ignore what's happening in the aquarium or Tuareg forums now, only without having to cope with grumpy moderators.
Careful, Clif, you never know what that moderator volunteering stuff will do to your free time...

I think Andy should create a new SocialKnowledge.net board named the "Soapbox", with all SK members also having posting privileges there, and moderated by volunteers. Pretty much the same way that I can ignore what's happening in the aquarium or Tuareg forums now, only without having to cope with grumpy moderators.

A separate playpen? Sounds good to me.
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