The Justine Sacco story...
Ex-PR exec Justine Sacco apologizes for AIDS in Africa tweet -
... made me think about the future of young people in this fast moving world. Above all, so happy not to be guiding children and young adults into the future.
Simple one time... even thirty second lapses have the potential to affect lives forever. At our age, we have enough life experience to have a lingering caution... conscience if you will, about what we do. Not that we don't or won't make mistakes, but we understand that actions have consequences.
For the most part, if you are over age 40, you probably grew up with slower moving changes in culture and morality, and a degree of privacy that no longer exists.
On the other hand, the current standards may already be the long term norm. Tatoos, nose, lip and ear rings may be more common than not... Sex mores have already changed, and the rare interracial and same sex relationships of the past, hardly raise eyebrows today. Language that would have meant lava soap or a red bottom, is now common in prime time and in normal conversation. Scurrilous political slurs, gossip, lies and rumor mongering are the fuel for the commercial media... and it is up to the individual to sort it out.
So, as with all opinions... different strokes for different folks... Is the new norm just a phase, like rock and roll, or the Beatles... or the Justin Beiber generation... and something that will just fade into the march of history? Or... is this a case of technology getting ahead of morality and cultural balance, where unintended lapses may affect young lives forever?
How do/would you handle the education of young people... with an eye to their future?
Ex-PR exec Justine Sacco apologizes for AIDS in Africa tweet -
... made me think about the future of young people in this fast moving world. Above all, so happy not to be guiding children and young adults into the future.
Simple one time... even thirty second lapses have the potential to affect lives forever. At our age, we have enough life experience to have a lingering caution... conscience if you will, about what we do. Not that we don't or won't make mistakes, but we understand that actions have consequences.
For the most part, if you are over age 40, you probably grew up with slower moving changes in culture and morality, and a degree of privacy that no longer exists.
On the other hand, the current standards may already be the long term norm. Tatoos, nose, lip and ear rings may be more common than not... Sex mores have already changed, and the rare interracial and same sex relationships of the past, hardly raise eyebrows today. Language that would have meant lava soap or a red bottom, is now common in prime time and in normal conversation. Scurrilous political slurs, gossip, lies and rumor mongering are the fuel for the commercial media... and it is up to the individual to sort it out.
So, as with all opinions... different strokes for different folks... Is the new norm just a phase, like rock and roll, or the Beatles... or the Justin Beiber generation... and something that will just fade into the march of history? Or... is this a case of technology getting ahead of morality and cultural balance, where unintended lapses may affect young lives forever?
How do/would you handle the education of young people... with an eye to their future?