Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
I would think the main difference would be in how the body digests things. I mean, we are *omnivores* - we can survive in amazingly different climates and ecosystems for long periods of time. But we evolved on purely natural foods for a few hundred thousand years. Have our stomachs, intestines and gut flora/microbiome/bacteria evolved significantly in the last 10,000 years? Because the shift from hunter/gatherer to agrarian only happened then, and I'm not sure if evolution has given us enough protection to keep up with that pace of change.To me, there's a difference between processing and adding numerous unnecessary ingredients.
Does crushing corn and changing the shape remove nutrients? If so, how much and is it even worth worrying about? I have nothing against corn, oil, and salt compared to the dozens of ingredients listed on such things as crackers, bread, pastries, etc.