Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
I wasn't joking and I basically agree with you about mother's milk. And yes, the trace ingredients in mothers milk helps make it "good food" but it's still basically sugar water with some fat and a little protein.Perhaps you are joking but I'm afraid that if someone truly thinks that breast milk is basically sugar water with 'some fat thrown in' then there isn't much of a conversation to be had. One of the great mistakes that was made many years ago was to think that everything can be equated to it's chemical formula. A calorie is a calorie and all. Clearly, this has not served us well. Breast milk is 'good' food. The absolute best for newborns in fact.
It's the right food from the right person for the right person at the right time.
It's nutritious, digestible and "designed" to meet baby's needs at the time. But it's STILL "basically" sugar water with some fat (and a little protein) and trace minerals and antibodies and probably stuff we don't even know about fully.
Keep in mind that those of us here who have reached our 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond still "live" on (wait for it) "sugar." We eat excellent unprocessed food or highly processed foods and our body turns it mostly into "sugar." Yes, much more complicated than that (anyone recall the Krebs cycle.)
We still haven't defined what "NOT-ultra-processed-food" is, but what ever it is, we STILL wouldn't feed it to a week old baby. Babies wouldn't do well on grilled lean chicken breast or whole-grain breads or for that matter Hot-Pockets. They need something a lot less complex to turn into their own glycogen. Lactose is an easy way for baby to get the energy s/he needs quickly without a lot of complex conversions going on.
Eventually, we add stuff to baby's diet (such as cereals) that are not very complex for baby to break down. Eventually, baby can tolerate more and more things which s/he turns into usable sugar in the blood. It's complicated and beautiful and well "designed."
I agree that a "calorie is not just a calorie" BUT it is theoretically possible to "create" food in a test tube with the right chemicals. I don't know if anyone has ever actually made a food as good as mother's milk (probably not) but it is theoretically possible. And some babies have never had a drop of mother's milk - they have "test tube" food called "formula." I'd be the first to agree that formula is not as "good" as mother's milk (and formula is highly processed) but millions of babies have survived and thrived on it.
Keep in mind that WE are chemicals and foods are chemicals. It's complicated yet simple at the same time.