I retired 3 years ago at 51 and started using
VPW last year. In that year I used VPW as a kind of roof/sanity check on spending and only "cashed in" what I needed to spend. This year I am selling (equities) monthly at the amount VPW states, which is currently (50%-80%) higher than my monthly spend. The excess funds are going into VUSXX (to keep them mentally separate from VMFXX). I don't include the VUSXX amount in my VPW, "Portfolio Balance". i.e. I'm counting the VUSXX money as spent.
Now, I may spend that VUSXX money on travel this year, in which case I guess I'm doing things "the VPW way". BUT if I don't travel/spend the VUSXX funds and carry them over to next year, I wonder if I'm doing some weird version of market timing.
Anyone doing something similar, where they have a set withdrawal rate/amount and if it's greater than expenses they "sequester" the excess money in some manner?
A couple of other things:
Because the market is rising, my AA is not changing with this behavior, so far. So it almost seems to me like I'm re-balancing (monthly) in some half-assed way.
I once read (here, bogleheads?) that it's better to spend (more) in the up years than to spend less in the up years in preparation for down years.
Any thoughts are appreciated.