Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
It is interesting to see the constant drumbeat from the financial media about the lack of retirement savings:
Caught between wants and worries
By Chuck Jaffe, MarketWatch
"On one hand, there is the desire to spend what is coming in today, using the money for what you want. On the other, there is the worry that if you do not save, you'll wind up running out of money in retirement.
Every significant spending choice is somewhere in between those two.
And just as an investor is poorly served by being too fearful or too greedy in their actions, so too is a saver whose decisions never achieve a balance between want and worry."
Can you say "stating the obvious"?...
Caught between wants and worries
By Chuck Jaffe, MarketWatch
"On one hand, there is the desire to spend what is coming in today, using the money for what you want. On the other, there is the worry that if you do not save, you'll wind up running out of money in retirement.
Every significant spending choice is somewhere in between those two.
And just as an investor is poorly served by being too fearful or too greedy in their actions, so too is a saver whose decisions never achieve a balance between want and worry."
Can you say "stating the obvious"?...