I was surprised to see we generally keep our thermostat a bit lower than some here and the Texans we know. 68°F during most winter days. 67°F while sleeping (amazing how much that one degree drop helps with sleeping well).
That said, I suspect our thermostat is set a bit lower than most here who reside in Texas during the hotter months. Usually 75°F during the summer unless the outside temps are in the high 90s or above, in which case 76°F. In the summer of 2023, when temps regularly topped 104°F, we set the thermostat to 77°F.
But like the winter, we can't sleep unless it is cooler, so I gradually drop the thermostat after sunset so that it's at 71°F by the time we go to sleep. On the really hot days, like the fore-mentioned summer of 2023, maybe set to 72°F or 73°F. On those nights, I don't sleep well.