
This is not a pity-reply but over a hundred reads and no replies? Might not be all that frickin funny guy. Posted at 4:50 could qual it as a CHP. What were you thinking?
I was thinking the same thing.

No alcohol involved, it just struck me wicked funny. The things grown men will do...
I didn't have time to read it earlier, but now that I did.... this is hilarious!

Obviously the croniton particles from their temporal displacement interfered with the charging of the phase coils.... I mean, why else wouldn't their phasers work?

Yes... I have seen a few star trek episodes in my day...ok, more than a few... more like all of them....
Whoa, so where do dilithium crystals get involved? "Scotty, I need more power!" "I'm giving you all she's got Captian! She can't take much more!"

Fired a .50 cal black powder musket once, you knew you were shooting a gun! Ah, Boy Scouts... :D
I once wore an 1860 Old Army with holster and belt -with a BIG U.S. belt buckle to a meeting recruiting new members of a re enactment group - not recommended in Louisiana.

"If the Air Force can have "red star agressor squadrons"
--- didn't fly well. Some people lack a sense of humor.
Thanks for the push BUM...;)

I think a couple of time machine changes are necessary.

One to remove the memory of the appearance of starfleet to a group of earth people not ready for first contact.

The other to remove the memory of being incredible NERDS! from all of their brains.
Either that or invent a ray gun(how's that for dated) that really works.
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