What’s your EDC (Every Day Carry)?

Phone in a minimal case with a single credit card in it. Keyless entry to my house and I walk/bike as much as I can. Driving then add in a car fob and my minimalist wallet that I usually leave in the car unless I'll need the ID or alternate CC. I'm not a fan of a bunch of junk on my person. Every room in my house has a knife of some sort and my car has a few minimal tools and pocket knife/multi-tool if needed.
I quit carrying a wallet a few years ago. Carry a credit card & license in my phone case. Also...

I took pictures of credit cards, licenses, medical cards, etc. Android has a secure photo storage area, password or fingerprint protected & not in the cloud.
I wear cargo shorts every day. I carry a small nylon shopping bag in one of the pockets, a packet of breath mints, and a small container of toothpicks. In my back pocket I carry a bandana. That's my daily carry + my wallet & phone.

I live in Thailand. It is very hot here. The bandana is for sweat control. We eat a lot of rice here and toothpicks are essential. They are usually on the table but the ones in my pocket are plan B.

For decades I carried a swiss army knife (which had a toothpick). Then one day, when it was confiscated at a security checkpoint I decide I didn't really need it anymore. That was 7 years ago. I also keep a respectable collection of emergency tools in my car.
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Wallet, keys, phone and small thin pocket knife. Knife has one locking blade approx 2 inches length. Amazing how often i use it for other than cutting: prying, makeshift screwdriver, scraper, etc. On occasion something more serious subcompact chassis.
I carry wallet with some cash, DL, 1 CC, also phone, ChapStick, keys for vehicle & a few mints for that fresh breath feeling
I carry the normal stuff you guys carry. Wallet, etc. I have my trusty P-38 on my key ring. That same one has been with me for maybe 35 or so years. I have also carried an Old Timer pocket knife most of my life since middle school. It is the model 340T. Kids can't do that anymore like the good old days in school. All my vehicles have an assortment of tools and some survival equipment. And I won't mention the real EDC.
Before I retired I carried keys, wallet, Leatherman and phone "everyday". Over the last 5 years of retirement I have slowly stopped carrying all of it. Keys are usually in a tray by the garage door. Wallet in my desk (I now have cash and ATM card in my car because I tend to forget my wallet). Phone is usually on a charger somewhere. Leatherman in the toolbox. Most days I wear swim trunks or light fabric shorts and I like not having all that stuff weighing down my pockets and I like being able to jump in the pool or lake without worrying about stuff in my pockets.
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