What are we paying for natural Christmas trees this year?

We paid about $700 for our 7-1/2 ft artificial tree about 10 years ago. Pre-lit with led bulbs that are still doing well. It breaks down into three pieces and is a pain in the but to deal with but DW won’t give it up to go smaller. Maybe next year?

We bought a 9' prelit artificial tree in 2016. Living in Southern California and having forced air heating (combined with wanting it up right after Thanksgiving and DW's desire to have the tree up until Epiphany), required a non natural tree (which in the early days was pretty much a twig by New Years). After 9 years I think I am in the black vs natural trees.
The prelit reminded me of a neighbor 30 years ago. It was pretty regular for them to have a fire in the back yard with chairs and plenty of cheer. They would save their Christmas tree until April to make sure it was good and dry. Then with a fire going plant the tree in the center of the fire, it is impressive how energetically and quickly a dry Christmas tree will burn. :)
My cats love to sit under it, but even though they are ferals by birth, they never try to climb it as they aren't fooled.
My cat KNOWS when it is nearing Christmas time (maybe change in the weather). She starts pacing around the usual spot in the living room around mid November. Once the tree is up and decorated (artificial and preliet) she spends most of her time in the living room sitting on the couch next to it, in her cat tree perch starting at it, or curled up in the corner behind and underneath it,. Never tries to climb it but she absolutely LOVES the tree and lights.
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We bought our 1st ever artificial tree yesterday. 7.5 Ft, 3 piece pre-lit.... 1/2 price with a $10 off coupon for $99.
"Free" this year! We were out of town for a couple of weeks, just returned and found that the local Boy Scout tree selling operation was shutting down today, with 10 trees left unsold. They said, "just take one" and left the other nine for whomever else to take. We plan to make a donation to the troop, though.
My cat KNOWS when it is nearing Christmas time (maybe change in the weather). She starts pacing around the usual spot in the living room around mid November. Once the tree is up and decorated (artificial and preliet) she spends most of her time in the living room sitting on the couch next to it, in her cat tree perch starting at it, or curled up in the corner behind and underneath it,. Never tries to climb it but she absolutely LOVES the tree and lights.
Back in the day, our first cat (DW's and mine) pulled the tree over on herself. We had to wire it to the portion of the kitchen counter top which faced the living room. The cat loved exploring the tree and eating the needles. No ill effects that we could ever detect (other than to the tree.)
We made a one-time investment of 270K.
These 3 (15'~30' tall now) are out the picture and kitchen sink windows. I will pick one and decorate it as needed.
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