What did you do today? 2019 version.

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Went as usual on Mondays figure skating. Forgot schools are out. Ice was packed with kids, had to play dodge kiddies. OTOH great practice in paying attention and diversion skills.
Have my camera inside on a tripod with telephoto lens focused (through a window) on the feeder waiting for birds. 7 hours and no bird sightings yet.

That's a scene for a "Far Side" cartoon.

Bird lookout: "Quick, he went to the bathroom, grab some food before he comes back."
I'm sure I must've told this one before.....but when my late wife & I lived in B.C. I built a nesting box for Purple Martins.....came the time when the chicks started to leave I ran down to set up the camera, telephoto lens & tripod.

One chick left when I arrived....loath to leave the box, it stuck its head out while the mother swooped around exhorting it to get its tail in gear.

Me...I want the 'perfect shot' where the baby is flying for the first time but still hasn't completely left the box.

My wife the comes out on the deck and calls down to me, so I.......
Kinda went swimming. I was fishing and walking in my drypants and stepped into a hole and slipped. I remember thinking, Well, this is happening.

Dry and warm by the tree now.
I went to see the Tom Hanks movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. It was charming, and left me smiling, and based on the expressions on the faces of the other folks coming out of the theater they felt the same way. Sometimes a "feel good" movie is just the ticket. :)

I picked up Italian takeout for dinner after the movie, and I believe I hear the treadmill calling my name now.
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Rainy day. DH made peach and currant kolacky. We met Son, DIL, and GKiddos for church. Then all out to a buffet for dinner.
Making bread pudding with bourbon sauce for fam-o-lee gathering later. Also made the last of some recently-smoked salmon into a dip.
Getting ready for the family tomorrow. Cooked and refrigerated Jumbo shrimp for cocktail, made roux for the shrimp and boudin gumbo, and made candied orange peels for a treat. Tomorrow I'll make the gumbo, roast a variety of veggies, cook a pork roast, and make a pot of collards for the daughter.

Now I'm going to set back and have a couple of beers.

Root canal yesterday after an anguished family early Christmas.
Repaired busted hinges on a bi-fold closet door. Thanks God, Hardware Sales was still open!
All the kids are here for Christmas.
Had a nice gathering with both daughters and sons-in-law for Christmas brunch. I like to watch the interaction between the four of them. There is a lot of love there.
Went to the Christmas Day potluck smorgasbord lunch hosted by my brother. We have way too much food as usual, as every couple brings enough to feed 10 and the younger generations who used to be kids are now adults to bring even more. We all helped later to take home a bit of everything, else my brother and his wife would be stuck with all that food.

Did not drink that much, but felt tired and took a nap in the late afternoon. Skipping dinner, as I usually do on days like this. One meal is enough.
Last week had two zany voicemails on the cellphone

The first one was from 'ABCdaycare'. A menacing male voice said something like: "We have hacked your cellphone. We have been watching you for months. Surely you understand that at this stage of your carreer that scandal would be devastating..."

It was hilariously funny but I erased it at that point. (Can you spell 'extortion'?)

The next one demanded that I call immediately before they initiated legal action, and..."have a nice day".

Far out!!!

If you don't have caller ID and voicemail, get it now!
On Christmas Eve day, we were about to leave. I was driving, but my garage door only went half way up! Then it wouldn't go up or down. F tinkered with it and got it to go up enough for me to get the Venza out of the garage. I have had it parked on the driveway for the past two days.

He is light years better at fixing this sort of thing than I am. Today he had some time, and the hardware store was open. So he diagnosed the problem in about ten seconds, got some sheet metal screws at the hardware store, and fixed it for me!!! :dance: I am so happy and grateful. All he wanted was $2 which covered the cost of the screws. Sure beats calling a repairman. :D

Waiting for the other shoe to drop ...

How many mice took up residence in the engine compartment during that interlude? :LOL:

No mice! I haven't seen any here at my Dream Home. I did catch one five years ago at my prior home, ugh!! Or maybe it was a small rat. I scooped it up with a whisk broom and dustpan, though and threw it outside where it proceeded to die. Here's a photo of that disgusting creature, next to a 6" white plastic ruler.

Now wharf rats.... yeah, we have a lot of huge wharf rats and I sometimes see them outside. But none in my house or car (yet!). :D


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Waiting for the other shoe to drop ...

How many mice took up residence in the engine compartment during that interlude? :LOL:

Yes. And to think that some mice or rats have been inadvertently transported from the outside to inside the garage now, where they are free to explore the home interior, perhaps found a way up to the attic. :nonono:
Yes. And to think that some mice or rats have been inadvertently transported from the outside to inside the garage now, where they are free to explore the home interior, perhaps found a way up to the attic. :nonono:

Not at my Dream House! :) It has a large, detached garage in the back yard (see below).

Also, I get my house and garage inspected every year for termites and while he's inspecting for termites, he also lets me know about any signs of other pests.


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Preparing more cookies and appetizers for round three Christmas celebration with extended family tomorrow :). That will be the end of our Christmas this year! Looking forward to it, some of the nieces and nephews I have not seen for several months.
Drove down to Home Depot mainly for some salt for the water softener, but also while I was there to pick up some paint brushes, light bulbs, and DW wanted some 3-way bulbs for her favorite reading lamp downstairs. I couldn't find any of those so I'll order them online, probably from Amazon.

And here I thought I was making all this wonderful progress with the physical therapy for my back. But moving four 40-lb. bags of salt around to their final storage place reminded me that within a year or so I'm going to have to find another way of moving those things around. Including having someone at the store load them in the pickup for me.:( I already use a hand truck to get them from the pickup to the basement but clearly that's not sufficient.
Currently watching it graupel, soft hail, outside. It snowed overnight and throughout the day. Supposed to snow all night and all through Saturday until Sunday morning.

After running the snowblower I took the Wrangler out to get gas for it and the snowblower. Picked up some odd things at the grocery store as I don't plan on going out for a couple days. To make DW happy I washed the Wrangler before coming home. Not sure where we're going but I'm pretty sure it's going to get dirty.

Called another Opthamologist and made an appointment with a retina specialist. I had an appointment with my surgeon yesterday and wasn't happy. She says my eye looks great post surgery; I'm happy except I can't see with it. She didn't want to talk about that.

I can see, just not when I look at something. There's a few "empty places" in my vision that float(Not floaters) to wherever I focus. Sometimes things appear bent, straight lines are jagged and my perception of flat is broken. Every double door appears open. The dog is mad at me because I keep locking him outside.[emoji26]
Got the initial data together to protest our real estate taxes, finished the new bird feeder and did some bird watching, reconstructed my mobile workbench, visited with my cousin and her husband, ate a lot of Christmas cookies


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