What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Day three at the cabin build started Tuesday and have been on schedule getting what I want to get done. Tomorrow plywood and windows and go get tin from a local ranch friend that a couple miles away to get metal/tin for the roof. He said I could just came take all I wanted.
It is going to be just a place to hang out and spend a night or two and come in the winter for the day or so.
It will be nothing fancy just a roof over my head and a wood stove.
Here is my progress after day three. My hands hurt so I'm hoping to get it closed than I can rest a few days.View attachment 51832View attachment 51833View attachment 51834
looks great
Took the dogs out on the boat. No fish biting, but they had a good time. They are both zonked out at home now. I'm waiting to see my PCM now. Back ache is in week two. Boat trip reminded me of the pain. Time to seek some relief, if possible. Always something any more.
Drove DW to an AM Dr. appointment, then back home. For whatever reason I took a three-hour nap, so I guess I needed the rest. After reading/posting here I plan on going outside and playing with the new macro (close-up) camera lens I got a few days ago. The next door neighbor has a nice flower garden and said that I can take all the photos I want over there so that's the plan.
Day three at the cabin build started Tuesday and have been on schedule getting what I want to get done. Tomorrow plywood and windows and go get tin from a local ranch friend that a couple miles away to get metal/tin for the roof. He said I could just came take all I wanted.
It is going to be just a place to hang out and spend a night or two and come in the winter for the day or so.
It will be nothing fancy just a roof over my head and a wood stove.
Here is my progress after day three. My hands hurt so I'm hoping to get it closed than I can rest a few days.View attachment 51832View attachment 51833View attachment 51834
Looks great!
Met with a contractor early this morning to take measurements for replacing two storm doors on our house. He arrived on time so that was a good sign. Took the dog for a three mile walk and then read my book for the rest of the morning. This afternoon, I played three hours of pickleball with some other advanced players. We are all getting ready for a tournament next weekend. Tonight, I'm grilling locally-made brats and fresh sweet corn (picked today), served with sliced cucumbers and tomatoes from the farm stand.
We put more logs on and the hired crew went home for the weekend. My job is to locate the next log, load it on the forks and hand it off to the crew. Special delivery :)

it took two days to lay out and get the first course bolted down, it has through rod down to the concrete anchors in the foundation.
I kept busy building things and cleaning up, organizing.
Tool tray under the seat.

put a deck box on the forklift for rigging and dunnage, you can see that in the first picture.
Some steps to get in the back door until the porches go on.


We got this far yesterday.

More pictures later.
Very interesting build Thanks for sharing them skyking.
Worked on small ranch build today again. I'm plugging away slow but surely. Tomorrow, I hope to get the rest of plywood on, install three big windows in a small one and wrapped. If enough time go, get tin for roof and a neighbor ranch.
I need to install the center post which is a cedar that came off from the ranch.
Blue grouse will not leave the shop rafters. the dog flushed her up there and she is not leaving.

These are the typical cutoffs so far. I am being very frugal with the tape measure while selecting logs.


We will move the scaffold up from the basement tomorrow. I got a second set of rollers so we will have two sets of rolling work platforms. It is getting about time.


I have the book of all the units of logs, and I get the next courses ready and am waiting. I think this helps with the hired guys. Ahem. This log is standing by.

Today was "help your neighbors" day. My friend went for a resupply, which is a few hours away, and I went to another nearby cabin job and set the subfloor out there. He was packing it a sheet at a time across that 2x10. I drove over and hit the easy button.


Then up to a barn raising to set loft beams. Check out these rough fir timbers! They were sawn 13 miles away on a small mill. It is the typical witches hat shape with a loft in the center under the high pitch.


Both of those fellows are in their 70's and doing what they love to do.
Got out on an extended gravel road bike ride today. Ramping up the training miles in advance of upcoming cyclocross race season.
Got caught up on all the yard work that I had let go during the heat wave. Mowed, sprayed weed killer (that doesn't work above 90° anyway), and got out the Milwaukee mini brush cutter and cleaned up a bunch of overgrown weed & brush where I didn't want to take the lawn mower for fear of hitting rocks and branches. DW is pleased.
Very interesting Skyking1.

Yesterday was a day of rest but still worked all day catching at home from the busy week before. Today heading back to ranch and hopefully get tin of roof today.
I figured out a way to handle the logs safely. The builder wants to locate, temporary screw down, then drill for the big bolts.
Then remove the log and blow out all the chips from the hole, etc.
Then put down the glue and the log, and bolt it down.
I place the forks very close to the log and at the right grade, and level.

When they are ready, the crew rolls the log onto the forks out of the way.

No need to lift it. They put down the glue and roll it back.
We are getting along OK. One more course of logs and then it is the header logs over windows and doors.
Did you reject that top log in the top pic above? Just curious. It's split terribly.
Virtually all the logs have some split in them and it's no big deal. We have a product called conceal that goes in there and dries to the same texture and color as the log. Notice. I put the split on the outside.
Going to be a beautiful home, thanks for sharing your progress.
Been busy with the line shack and things are going pretty well. I really just have a door to install, side with 1/2x6 inch x 6 foot cedar and stove to install. Roof tinned facia and soffit are done. I got by pretty cheap with about a 900$ in it. All the other material I had, or people have given it to me. Stove was the biggest expense. I got the cedar center post in that came of my place.
A foggy morning and wish I would have taken in sooner but kind of a cool picture. Yellowstone and in this small valley are foggy a lot.

Taking a few days off my hands are tired. Lol I have 41 hours into labor so far in the build and by myself, so feel very fortunate I can do it.
that's perfect, street. Perfect picture, perfect line cabin out at the end of the trail. Well done.
You never intended to build the Ritz, but maybe a place to have a Ritz cracker with cheese on it. :)
that's perfect, street. Perfect picture, perfect line cabin out at the end of the trail. Well done.
You never intended to build the Ritz, but maybe a place to have a Ritz cracker with cheese on it. :)
Yep exactly!!!
When I ran out of hours on that 8 ton rental excavator, I had some unfinished business. This nasty knob of embedded boulders was cramping our style.

I was able to borrow the neighbor's D4


Tear it down and cuff it off a bit. I had to rip it all, it was terribly bony.

I took the material around to the north to make more real estate for the forklift.
Today was the big day. The crew and I set logs all morning and my friend and his buddy worked on getting the king log ready.
The NW corner was still too hard to reach from up above, so I set this one from below. That's all it has, maximum extension.

Tomorrow I will take the dozer down there and make a ramp.
View from the seat. That took some finagling to get it lined up.

King log does not fit in the frame.



I had test picked it at ground level, and was comfortable with 26' from tire to center of load. I had measured the pick at 22'.
They cut 5' off the butt after that, which made the margins even better.
I then clamped a tape measure to the carriage and made a dry run to establish the angle of approach and check geometry. Nobody wants to find out about problems with the real load on the hook.
We rigged it with two straps so it picked straight just like it sits.


My friend enjoying his new view while they set the last brace.

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